
This is not a good time to take risks with your money. Keep your hard earned finances safe and secure. Don't discuss your financial situation with others. Bragging about a raise or bonus will attract opportunists. You have big plans for the future, but you don't have to reveal them to the general public. If you get a big promotion, several people will ask for loans. Be prepared to turn down these requests. Now is the time to conserve your resources.

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A relative who refuses to help themselves has become a nuisance. Instead of ignoring their toxic behaviour, address it. A heated confrontation will clear the air. You're tired of coming to the rescue of people who are their own worst enemies. If a family member continues to make bad choices, let them deal with the consequences. Don't worry what others will think. Your first priority is to yourself. Stop wasting valuable energy on those who don't appreciate your efforts.

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Don't venture into unfamiliar territory. If you have to venture out, find a guide. Having someone who understands the customs and culture of a place will be helpful. You don't want to inadvertently cause offense. A royalty cheque, legal settlement or insurance payment will give you the ability to stay in luxury accommodation. Enjoy your comfortable surroundings. They will take the sting out of any snubs you encounter from jealous locals. Why should you feel guilty about your good fortune?

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Expensive purchases will put a big dent in your budget. It's important to live within your means. Going into debt will cause stress. Stop taking your cues from irresponsible friends who pamper themselves with status symbols. You don't need baubles to be happy. Close relationships are your most precious possessions. Spending quality time with loved ones will keep your material cravings at bay. If you get a chance to sign a long term contract, do it. It will give you financial stability.

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Self indulgence will get you into trouble. Instead of taking time off, double your productivity. Finishing your workload early will impress your superiors. Don't be surprised when they award you with a plum assignment. Your employer seeks workers who don't need lots of supervision. By satisfying their demands, you'll carve out a comfortable niche. Are you unemployed? You will be offered a sales position at a good company. Seize this opportunity; it will pave the way for professional success.

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Beware of developing a martyr complex. If things haven't been going your way, it's up to you to reverse the trend. Start pursuing the life you want. If your behaviour upsets others, that can't be helped. You have no obligation to follow societal expectations. A flirtation with a dark, mysterious newcomer will fill you with excitement. Have fun but don't give your power away to this alluring individual. Playing hard to get can be effective. The more elusive you are, the more ardent your admirer will become.

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Don't take advantage of a generous friend. If you're short of funds, find another source of income. A second job could be enlightening. You may discover a passion for a particular industry. Property, banking and the financial markets could be especially lucrative for you. You have great instincts about material matters, knowing which investments will yield fruit. If you have an opportunity to work for a commission, grab it. The extra income will help you repay your debts.

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Try not to take yourself too seriously. People will be more receptive to you when you are able to laugh at your shortcomings. When you're exercising leadership, praise productive members of the team and call out the slackers. The whole team will put in their best effort if they feel appreciated. It may be necessary to drop someone who has been neglecting their responsibilities or has not pulled their weight. Be swift and firm when taking action. Don't be drawn into semantic arguments.

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Scolding people for their beliefs will make you incredibly unpopular. Resist the urge to pass judgment on neighbours and colleagues. Nobody has cornered the market on morality. If you have serious differences with someone in your immediate circle, stay quiet. Try to get to know them better. You may be surprised to discover you have lots in common. Appearances can be deceiving, especially when your beliefs are challenged. The best way to promote an idea is to conduct yourself honourably.

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A heavy tax or fine could be imposed on you. This feels incredibly unfair. Unfortunately, you won't have much recourse. Failing to pay will get you into deeper trouble. It may be best to write a cheque and forget the whole thing. If that isn't possible, enlist the aid of a legal professional. It will take a long time to resolve this matter and the verdict may not help you. Prepare for an unpleasant outcome. Sometimes the deck is stacked against you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Expecting too much from others is undermining your relationships. Just because you go above and beyond the call of duty does not mean everyone else will. It may be time to examine your own behaviour. Instead of volunteering for every unpleasant job that comes your way, let others pick up the slack. There's no reason you should assume the weight of the world on your shoulders. Make more time for fun. This will make you a better friend, neighbour and colleague.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You are tempted to neglect work. There doesn't seem to be any benefit from reaching your goals. If that's the case, you should change jobs. Staying in a dead end position will dull your creative edge. Fortunately, you know some people in high places who can help. Ask for references and letters of recommendations. Landing a position at a pleasant company will renew your enthusiasm for life. You'll become much more energetic when your efforts are recognised and celebrated.

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