
Your sex appeal is red hot today, drawing the attention of a wild adventurer. The two of you have lots in common, and a thrilling romance is possible. If you're already in a relationship, you may want to plan an exotic holiday with your lover. The two of you will benefit from a change of scenery. An ancient city that is renowned for its art and architecture might be just the thing.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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A private, secluded location invites you to express your artistic side. It's been too long since you hefted a paintbrush or moulded some clay. Reconnecting with your imagination gives your sex appeal a healthy boost. Don't be surprised if someone steps from the shadows to ask for a date. This person has had their eye on you for some time, but hasn't felt comfortable about approaching you until now. It looks like your love life is on the upswing.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're always in the mood to meet new people, and it's especially true now. There's a good chance you'll cross paths with someone who has a foreign background. The two of you will get along like strawberries and cream. It's likely you share some intellectual interests in common, whether it's chess, modern art, or UFOs. This could be the beginning of a beautiful, life changing friendship.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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It's possible you've been considering a job change, simply from a desire for excitement. Although you enjoy the security of a steady position, you can't help but think the best years of your life are passing by. Finding a job which draws on your artistic sensibilities would be a real breath of fresh air. Take this opportunity to search for a position related to fashion, cosmetics, or film. A female authority figure could give you a big break.

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Getting serious about a sport or hobby provides a welcome outlet from stress. You've got a lot of responsibility heaped on your shoulders. It may seem decadent to take time away from these duties, but it's actually essential to your mental and physical health. A person who is concerned about your spiritual welfare could invite you to try prayer or meditation. And while such a practice may seem fanciful at first, you'll soon feel its benefits.

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You're even more obsessed with detail than usual, especially as far as your household is concerned. This is a wonderful time to organise storage spaces, weed out your wardrobe, and fix broken appliances. The more streamlined your surroundings, the less time you'll waste searching for things. You'll also make better use of the possessions you have. If you have items you haven't worn or used in over a year, donate them to charity. The more simple your life, the happier you'll be.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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This is a wonderful time to resolve differences with a spouse, business partner, or lover. If you're embroiled in a legal dispute, take steps towards resolving it. Even the most stubborn rival will melt under your gentle influence. An older friend could express romantic interest in you. And although you don't make a conventional couple, you must admit you do feel attracted to this person. Think carefully before you take this relationship to the next level.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Your survival instinct may be telling you to become more independent. Having your income tied to a powerful organisation could limit your choices. Think seriously about starting your own business or finding an alternate source of income. The chance to live abroad could be tempting. You wouldn't want to have this dream dashed just because you have to live within certain proximity to your employer.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You need lots of freedom to accomplish your most heartfelt goals. For too long, you've been going with the flow, grabbing the easiest opportunities instead of pursuing the most enticing goals. That could change today, when you come within arm's reach of a lifelong desire. The chance to study with an expert could be too strong to resist. Don't hesitate to make a radical lifestyle change for the sake of finding your true purpose.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Putting money away for your kids should be your first priority. If you don't have any little ones, you can always create a savings fund for a cherished creative project. The chance to pursue painting, writing, or filmmaking full time for a year or so is within your grasp, provided you make plans now. Your nest egg will seem small now, but it will grow rapidly within a matter of months. Investments related to scientific research could pay off handsomely.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're very sensitive to your friends' needs. Someone who has been longing for adventure needs a little push, and you're just the person to give it. You've never put much stock in conventions. Encouraging your friend to follow the beat of their own heart could prompt you to take a bold step of your own. If you've had your eye on a love interest who is much older or younger than you, it may be time to make your move.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Working in a quiet place helps you rediscover dreams you abandoned long ago. You have a marked distaste for the real world and all its vulgarities. Slipping away to an imaginary land where creativity is celebrated is your favourite form of escape. Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could merge fantasy and reality? This would be possible if you pursued a career in dance, photography, or film. Stop telling yourself it's too late to change job paths.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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