
Try to be a little more charitable to your best friend, business partner, or lover. You like to get things done quickly, whereas your colleague needs time to deliberate before making decisions. Putting additional pressure on them will result in disaster. Make a strategic retreat after handing over a project. Refrain from checking in every few minutes. By demonstrating faith in their abilities, your friend will reward you with careful thought and hard work.

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A change of diet, exercise, or habits can dramatically improve your health. Lately, you've been feeling tired and stressed. If you continue to carry out your existing daily routine, the problems will get worse. Do yourself a favour and stop what you're doing and reassess your priorities. Delegate jobs to those colleagues who haven't been carrying their weight. Make more time in your schedule to prepare nutritious meals and get more physical activity.

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It's hard to summon enthusiasm for a project destined for failure. No matter how much you protest, the powers that be are intent on doing things their way. Unfortunately, their way is fraught with problems. Take solace in the fact you have voiced your dissention. It will be impossible to blame you for any problems. Getting exercise after hours can relieve some of the anxiety that's been building. You can't let this situation undermine your health and happiness.

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The support you want isn't forthcoming, but don't let that stop you from pursuing a cherished goal. Just because nobody else in your family has tried this path doesn't mean you are destined to fail. It may take a few attempts, but the results will be worth the effort. Turn a deaf ear to a hypercritical supervisor who claims you are wasting your time. In the end, you'll advance. You'll feel vindicated once you're able to break free of an oppressive living or working situation.

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People aren't receptive to your ideas, which hurts. Instead of developing a whole new set of concepts, listen to what the competition recommends. It may be easier to go with their proposal than reinvent the wheel another time. Don't let your pride get in the way of fixing this problem as quickly and cheaply as possible. Eventually, you'll have another opportunity to prove your worth. For now, be content to play second banana. You can't win them all!

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It seems like all your hard work isn't amounting to much, at least as far as finances are concerned. Take this opportunity to reflect on how you can become more efficient. Alternatively, you may want to explore new ways to make money, especially if your current field is drying up. Returning to education to acquire a valuable skill will pay off, provided you're willing to make some short term sacrifices. Fortunately, you're a fast learner and will pass your tests with flying colours.

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Your energy level is exceedingly low, mostly because you have been pouring all of your energy into a difficult relationship. At this point, you should back away and attend to your own needs. Take a few hours off, catch up on your sleep, and eat a healthy meal. Go for a spa treatment or just devote the day to a relaxing hobby. By taking care of your body, mind, and spirit, you'll find negotiations go much more smoothly.

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You're not getting much sympathy these days, which is frustrating. Instead of complaining about your problems, write them down in a notebook. Then follow this entry by listing five things for which you are grateful. Doing this everyday will allow you to take a more positive outlook and soon, people will come to lend you a hand, whether it's with discounted services, emotional support, or some sound advice. Whatever you focus on will multiply, so accentuate the positive.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Friends are alerting you to a dangerous situation, but you just won't listen. You've always been an adventurer and resent it when people issue safety warnings even if you need them from time to time. Stop tempting fate and err on the side of caution. Buying an insurance policy, getting a check up, or sending your car for a tune up are small measures that can add up to large savings. Give your loved ones credit for having your best interests at heart.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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No matter how hard you work, you never feel satisfied. Maybe it's time to reassess your priorities. Money and prestige are laudable goals, provided they give you happiness. When they just make you want more and more they become sources of misery. Instead of reaching for another star, consider whether you would do better making more time for friends and family. Making more time for creative pursuits will be fulfilling, too.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The opportunities you seek are few and far between. Sometimes you think you'll never get ahead. Instead of backing down, continue your efforts. This time you must supplement your daily routine with fun filled activities. That way, when you don't see immediate results, you'll still enjoy yourself. The road to success isn't paved with thorns. It can be pleasurable, provided you balance work with pleasure. Schedule a short trip, just to get a change of scenery.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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If you're struggling with an addiction or habit, it's time to get help. There's no shame in reaching out to people who have experience in conquering similar problems. In fact, you'll feel an immediate sense of relief once you meet somebody who has overcome this compulsion. If you have a friend who is struggling with an obsession, address the matter. Continuing to give loans or making excuses for their behaviour just makes the situation worse.

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