
You're being pressured to take an undesirable path. It may not be possible to remain aligned with the individual who is exerting so much pressure on you. Breaking off this alliance could result in a career setback. Don't worry. Someone with your pioneer spirit can easily find another position. You have a strong set of values. Obeying your principles will not only keep you out of trouble, but it will put you in a better situation. Have faith in the Universe to deliver whatever you need.

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Someone is trying to impose their beliefs on you. You don't appreciate being lectured. Telling your tormentor to back off many not be effective. It may be necessary to file an official complaint. Don't feel guilty about standing up for yourself. There's no reason you should be subjected to these pressure tactics. A hidden benefactor will speak on your behalf. They have witnessed these tense encounters and admire how well you have handled them. Justice will prevail; be patient and hopeful.

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Jealousy is putting a strain on a close relationship. If you resent a friend who has been spending time with another social group, take a few deep breaths. Give your loved one permission to venture into unfamiliar territory. There's no reason you should spend all your time together. Is someone angry that you've developed interests outside of your relationship? Stand up for your rights. You're a multi-talented person who is bound to have friends from all walks of life. Limiting yourself to one tight knit group isn't healthy.

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A business or romantic partner wants you to be someone you are not. You're not willing to change who you are to make others comfortable. If that means parting ways, so be it. You have a chance to show off your unique abilities to someone who wants to work with you towards shared goals. Seize this opportunity with both hands. It could lead to you entering an industry where you're rewarded for your bold thinking. This will be a refreshing change from having to put on an act.

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Burning the candle at both ends is taking a toll on your health. Slow down, even if it means turning down work. Getting some rest and relaxation will help you make better decisions. Lately, you've given too much credence to a charismatic person who seems to have all the answers. After taking a more detached view of this individual, you'll decide they are all talk and no action. Listen to your own instincts instead. They'll lead you out of the shadows and back into the light.

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You strongly desire someone's approval but they don't seem to return your admiration. Try not to take this personally. You are a unique individual who confuses conventional types. Instead of pretending to be someone else, embrace your quirks. By making no apologies for your unusual outlook, you'll attract a small but loyal following. You'll have much more fun being a big fish in a small pond than struggling to be noticed. Stop worrying what others think and put your authentic self on display. The results will delight you.

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Stop pushing yourself to make a choice. The guidance you seek will arrive when you rest, relax and change your focus. A relative who wants you to go in a certain direction doesn't care about what you think. They are just intent on getting their needs met. Don't be afraid to disappoint them by turning down their advice. If this leads to an argument, so be it. It's better to stand up for yourself than fall victim to someone else's agenda.

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Beware of lashing out on social media. Someone who is making provocative posts should be blocked. You don't need this negativity in your daily feed. Getting sucked into their hostile energy will cause you to do something you will later regret. It's better to seek uplifting experiences. You're a deeply sensual person who responds well to delicious food, stimulating textures, rousing music, bold colours and enticing aromas. Treat yourself to all these pleasures. They will help you feel wonderful, regardless of the drama that's being generated.

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Trying to fill an emotional void with material goods will not work. It's better to focus on making more time for pleasurable experiences that don't cost a great deal of money. Taking walks through the park, visiting museums and reading for fun are all things you can do without breaking the bank. When you're having a good time, you won't feel compelled to go shopping. You'll begin finding enjoyment in possessions you used to take for granted. Try it and see.

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Having a temper tantrum will not sit well with your employer. If things aren't going your way, it's best to give in with good grace. You can always find another job when the situation becomes intolerable. You can't recover your reputation after an angry outburst. Start casting your net for other work opportunities. Working for yourself is a distinct possibility. It will be a profound relief to set the agenda instead of waiting for others' approval. Tap into your leadership ability.

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Stop being your own worst enemy. Bombarding yourself with criticism isn't helpful. If you want to make a change, you must give yourself unconditional love and encouragement. Recite positive affirmations to your mirrored reflection, give yourself rewards for proactive steps and congratulate yourself for trying something new. The more optimistic you are, the easier it will be to move to higher ground. Steer clear of pessimists who are convinced everyone is doomed. These naysayers will only delay your progress. Wish them well and keep them at arm's length.

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Friends are urging you to pursue a moneymaking opportunity that doesn't appeal to you. Stop buying into the idea you can't make a living from your creative talent. Nothing could be further from the truth. You're destined to follow an unconventional career path. The sooner you accept this, the easier it will be to achieve professional prominence. What works for everyone else falls flat for you. It's far better for you to obey your instincts and pursue the kinds of jobs you love.

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