
Tension with your employer or client makes you nervous. You're tired of bending over backwards to satisfy their unreasonable demands. Resist the temptation to break off this relationship. If you work for a company, don't quit until you find another position. It's always easier to find a job when you have one. Are you self-employed? Complete an assignment as promised. At that point, you can end the alliance. Abandoning work will harm your professional reputation. Protect your interests.

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Clinging to a dead end job is a mistake. Instead of staying in a stagnant situation, look for a new position. You're much more capable than you realise. Moving into a rapidly growing field will pay off handsomely. Instead of being content with assignments that are beneath your ability, you can finally land a position that challenges your intellect and excites your imagination. Take control of your destiny. Stop listening to people who undervalue your skills and experience.

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A desire for love and attention will get you in trouble. Resist the temptation to make a big scene. Although you'll enjoy embarrassing a rival, a public outburst will reflect badly on you. If you're not sure of a partner's loyalty, review the evidence. Is this fear stemming from reasonable suspicions or are you simply insecure? There's no point holding on to someone who doesn't want to be with you. Are you simply making a mountain out of a molehill? Then stop treating your amour like a criminal.

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Don't act on impulse. Confessing a crush or quitting a job will be cause for regret. You'll fare much better by maintaining the status quo. You'll have an opportunity to take some bold risks later, when you've built a stable foundation. Take this opportunity to accumulate savings, expand professional contacts and establish a comfortable lifestyle. Once these goals have been accomplished, you'll be able to embark on an adventure without jeopardising your emotional and financial health.

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This is not a good time to wear your heart on your sleeve. Instead of announcing plans to relocate or find another job, remain quiet. If someone catches you making a sensitive phone call or sending personal documents, don't make a big deal out of it. The less you say, the better. When asked direct questions, change the subject. There's no reason to give rivals advance notice of your moves. Never underestimate the element of surprise. It will be an essential component to your victory.

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Instead of waiting for someone to rescue you from boredom, take control. Book a holiday, begin a creative project or take up a hobby. Venturing into unfamiliar territory will renew your enthusiasm for life. If you're in a relationship with someone who never wants to try anything new, it's time to have a talk. You've always had a great deal of intellectual curiosity. When forced to do the same thing day after day, you become bored and irritable. It's time to develop a solution to this problem.

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A heated argument with a relative will erupt. Just because someone is older does not give them license to abuse others. If you're tired of listening to insults, fight back. Stop running for errands for someone who treats you like a servant. Tell a bigot exactly what you think of their narrow minded remarks. Above all, stop allowing others to remark on your personal life. Respect is a two way street. If you're not being treated with kindness and consideration, put the relationship on hold.

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Beware of online trolls. It's best to avoid reading the 'comments' section of any news site. You have more important things to do than argue with bigots. Even posting a witty retort to a nasty person will drag you down. You may think airing opinions won't affect your reputation, but it will. The last thing you want is to lose business because someone takes offense at a casual comment. It's also wise to wait a full day before responding to upsetting emails and text messages.

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Working with a group will be stressful. This is a case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. Instead of proposing alternatives, remain silent. There's no point wasting your energy on a pointless task. By keeping your head down, you'll be able to get through this trying time relatively unscathed. It pains you to watch a promising project go down the drain, but it's inevitable. When you're dealing with oversized egos like this, it's impossible to make progress.

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A power struggle with a cool customer will erupt. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to rattle this individual. You're better off making a strategic retreat. You're not in a positon to gain the upper hand. Behaving like a bully will allow you to score a few points in the early stages of this contest. If you're going to prevail, it's better to gain respect through hard work and determination. Pattern your behaviour after someone you have always admired.

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An arrogant busybody is beginning to get under your skin. Instead of continuing to listen to their boastful speeches, cut them short. Tell them you don't have time to bolster their ego any longer. You'll be surprised how many people rally to your side. Everybody has been suffering in silence. You're the only one brave enough to speak up. Once this unpleasant encounter is out of the way, you'll be free to resume your work. This will be a tremendous relief.

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Stop comparing your relationship to others. If you're single, there's no reason you should be self-conscious about it. Don't feel pressured into entering the dating pool until you're ready. There's nothing wrong with remaining footloose and fancy free, either. Are you in an unconventional partnership? Stop trying to justify it to judgemental outsiders. You're not interested in following a boring pattern. Keep marching to the beat of your own drum, even if it feels alienating at times.

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