
You aren't one who shares your worries, preferring to keep them to yourself. Today, you might hold back on some doubts, rather than voice them and make others uncertain too. Some research might help put your mind at rest without you involving anyone. Or you might feel, at the end of the day that you need to discuss qualms you have about a situation, with others who are involved.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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Your obvious enjoyment of your job or another interest will inspire someone to learn your trade. Teaching others, either professionally or as a favour, will be enlightening. Either you will be amazed at the extent of your knowledge and how much you have picked up instinctively as you've gone along. Or you will benefit from brushing up on old methods, facts and techniques.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You might enjoy the chance to take a breather and consider whether or not you are on the right path. As you take a break from the hustle and bustle of life, focus your thoughts on the brighter aspects of your world. Although you can't help thinking about what you haven't liked about the past, it would be better to look to the future. Everyone has a secret ambition. Is it time to bring yours out into the open?

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Today it would be a shame to let last minute nerves get the better of you. Anxiety or nervous tension could prevent you from going ahead with plans already made. Or, at the crucial time, you might lose confidence in your talents. Once you get going, the mood will be short lived. The support of a close friend or colleague will help you over any difficult moments at this time.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Your own experiences and feelings rather than other people's suggestions will form the basis of decisions made today. If you are discussing making changes to joint plans, a shared budget or work matters, refuse to act on anyone else's ideas if they don't sound right to you. Your own instincts are good so trust your intuition. Be thoughtful of those who seem confused or uncertain.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Your working life is improving as new career prospects are printed in the headlines of your mind. You should not hide your abilities. Extra cash or a bonus will come from blowing your own trumpet! If you have been suffering from insomnia you will be sleeping better at night now and what a difference this will make to your work performance during the day!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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In all areas of your life, having the courage to be independent will serve you well. Friends and colleagues appreciate your honesty and impartiality. You see situations through unbiased eyes and other people too are starting to learn from you. It might seem only natural, in some areas, to make a certain amount of sacrifice. You know the consequences will be worth it.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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You are going through a phase where you are happy to stay at home for much of the time. Today you might find yourself flooded with ideas, suggestions and invitations for events and activities taking place in other areas. You might wonder what someone close will have to say about you taking on new commitments. Their wholehearted approval will be the motivation you need to proceed!

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A visitor is expected and this might urge you to get the domestic scene ship shape and Bristol fashion. For some reason you want to impress someone though you can't quite justify in your mind exactly why! As it happens, you are full of imaginative ideas on how you might improve the home and you will enjoy discussing these with those you live with.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Perhaps yesterday saw you more in the mood for having fun than for work; today you will make up for that fact! All of a sudden you will want to catch up on jobs you have pushed aside. Those who share your world are helpful; they want to please you. It should be easy, therefore, to clear the decks. Remember: be sure to call on others if and when you need assistance!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Today's a good day to catch up on what's going on in your immediate environment. Sharing news and views and enjoying the generous sprinkling of gossip going round will make for an interesting and stimulating time. There may be a need to reschedule some arrangements but this will not be an inconvenience. Others will see how flexible you can be.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Have you been keeping thoughts to yourself rather than upset people with knowledge you've recently gleaned? You are trying to protect the feelings of someone close, sparing them from the harsher realities of life. Are you going too far in your attempts to shield and safeguard others? If there is something on your mind other people should know about, take a deep breath and fill them in on all the details.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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