
Finances and budgets need sorting out now. Some over spending earlier in the year could be the cause of the problem. Or extra expenses of an unsettling nature could present themselves. Avoid recriminations. Agree that everyone in the household should stay inside the spending limits you set for yourselves. Changes can be made to meet new overheads and this could see you reassessing your earning ability or a housemate's financial position.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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You've given some serious thought to a decision which must be made soon. Something is holding you back from making a commitment you cannot delay any more. If this involves participating in some form of group activity you could get a lot out of the experience. The nature of this venture will trigger a need for changes in your family life and the only one who seems bothered about this, is you! Do as others urge and get involved in something new.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You could do with all the assistance you can get if you're to see results today. A person or company whose backing you need isn't being as supportive as you had hoped. For this reason, be polite and gracious even when you feel like screaming! There's something you have to do even when others disagree with you. Getting all defensive won't gain their approval. You need to turn on the charm and put your persuasive powers into play.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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A route you are on is blocked completely and there is no way you can battle your way through to the other side. Face it: you are going to have to retrace your steps to move forward. You're in a powerless position and may even need professional help to overcome your problems. Since there is no way around the hurdles now blocking your progress, be prepared to change tactics. Sometimes you have to admit temporary defeat.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A helpful friend or colleague will point you in the right direction when you come up against a difficult predicament. A trip taken on the spur of the moment could hold unexpected pleasures. Some events of the day may seem a little unpredictable even when you are trying to be sensible. Even so, it will feel as if some things were meant to be when a lot of good comes out of them. Whatever you are doing and wherever you might be, go with the flow.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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Some good will come out of a difficult situation; a challenge will bring you and a partner closer together. If there has been emotional tension between you and someone you love, harmony will soon be restored. A twist in events will bring this about and you might accept you've both been expecting too much from each other. After today's events you will resolve not to be so critical in the future.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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There are aspects of this day you probably won't ever want to forget. Some really amazing things are happening now and it will be full steam ahead for a project that could transform your life. In your personal relationships you may have a bone to pick with someone but you can also see the funny side of a recent incident. Your wonderful sense of humour comes into play and all because you're starting to feel more relaxed and hopeful.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A special event has been carefully arranged in the hope very little will go wrong. This is something you've been looking forward to and you won't be disappointed. You may have had a bad run recently but you really want to do well today and you deserve to enjoy a little achievement, success and happiness. By the end of the day you may have a number of new schemes going, each one of them looking hopeful and propitious.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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If you're single and feel attracted to someone offbeat and exciting, follow your heart. You won't want to tempt fate but you might have a strong feeling this relationship could be the one you've been searching for all your life. There have been incidents in the past when you have denied your heart in order to please others. You need to be with the person of your choice now. No one else should be allowed to dictate who you should and shouldn't like.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Now begins a strange phase when you don't know what you want to do from one minute to the next. It might help to channel your restless mental energy into creative or artistic pursuits. Turn your feelings into a piece of poetry, a painting or a sculpture. Not only will this bring emotional release but it will take you out of yourself instead of keeping it all bottled up inside. Take extra care of your health this evening.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You are challenged to come up with some new ideas. This is the chance you've been looking for to breathe fresh life into an old scheme. You've been trying to tell others this project has seen better days and it looks as if they are starting to listen. Your choice now is to continue along similar lines while introducing different measures or do you scrap the venture altogether and start something completely new?

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Changes are imposed without agreement and this seems to leave you and a number of others in the lurch. After some protests, two sides will sit down with each other to try to reach a more amicable arrangement. The impression some people give is that decisions have already been made despite what others think or feel. You expect there is little hope left to achieve your aims but talks could take a surprise twist and all will not be lost.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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