
A working arrangement you thought was secure is showing signs of strain. It may be time to move on to greener pastures. Your love life is undergoing significant changes too, as it seems you've moved out of the romance phase and into a more mundane routine. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. If the two of you are going to have a successful relationship, you need to learn to work together. Don't let meddling friends interfere with this affair.

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Don't be a wet blanket with a friend or lover. Although their plans may seem silly to you, they're actually quite important to your loved one. If they choose a career in the arts, be supportive. Stop voicing your concerns about how they will make ends meet. You may be oversensitive to an authority figure's constructive criticisms. Just because you've been given some advice doesn't mean your job is in jeopardy. Stay calm and remain positive.

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Establishing a stable foundation may be difficult right now. Your work situation is in flux, and it's hard to find a permanent position. Fortunately, you're able to roll with the punches, but your family isn't adjusting so well. Do your best to assuage their fears. Don't make any false promises or a youngster will be bitterly disappointed. Your young friend doesn't need expensive toys, anyway. All he or she really wants is your undivided attention.

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Nobody will listen to your warnings, so keep quiet when someone suggests a half baked plan. These people will soon face the consequences of their actions. Of course, you'll want to protect your financial interests in the interim. Resist the urge to buy luxuries now, as you will have to stretch your resources over some lean times ahead. Keep your personal information secure, or you could fall victim to fraud. This would be a good time to change your passwords.

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You need to spend money to make money, but unfortunately your resources are pretty lean. It may be necessary to ask someone for a loan. Resist the urge to ask a lover or friend for support. You wouldn't want to have your relationship complicated by finance. A government agency or loan office is the better way to go. Flirting with someone as a means to get a job will tarnish your professional reputation. Keep talks thoroughly businesslike.

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You're nervous around a free spirit. It's hard to predict their next move. Instead of putting up your guard, let it down. You could be pleasantly surprised. You're about to learn a valuable lesson about spontaneity. Think in practical terms when it comes to a work assignment. Although there is a creative bent to this project, it still has to have real world applications. Be open to a colleague's suggestions. By giving them proper respect, you'll form an effective partnership.

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Constant worries about the job market could be taking a toll on your health. Ultimately, there's nothing you can do to change the situation, so you may as well resign yourself to it. Find ways to divert your attention when you are not looking for work. Going out with friends can be enjoyable, but resist the urge to make romantic moves on someone who is dear to your heart. The last thing you need is to complicate this relationship with sex.

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Friends may try to hold you back from an impetuous romance. You have to admit you tend to jump into relationships without giving them a lot of thought. This makes for an exciting love life, but it also leads to terrible heartache. Perhaps you should take your friends' cautious words to heart. If you're looking for work, you'll get it through substance, not style. Forgo the eye catching business suit for an impressive portfolio.

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Your boss is hypercritical, which doesn't help your work performance. Your initial impulse is to quit in a huff. It's probably better to find another job before leaving this one. The economy simply isn't strong enough to throw your future to the wind. Don't make any holiday plans, as you may have to cancel them for the sake of your job. You're better off taking a long weekend to a nearby beauty spot. You don't need to spend fortunes to have a good time.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You don't feel like doing things by the book, but your superiors want you to, anyway. Resist the urge to put a creative spin on work, or you could be accused of subordination. It may be hard to contain your anger at a respected expert who treats everybody else like they're idiots. Find an outlet for your frustrations. A brisk workout will provide a welcome release. Someone could ask you for a loan. Be prepared to say no, as they are spinning you a sob story.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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An unexpected expense could put strain on a relationship. The two of you need to work harder at maintaining financial health. This may mean going over accounts at the end of each week. Your attitude towards money is a lot more casual than that of your partner. By exercising a little more restraint, your mate won't feel so bad about the occasional splurge. It's all about give and take. If you're single, it may be because you need to be more responsible about finances.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're tired of a loved one who keeps nullifying your thoughts and feelings. A temporary separation may be in order. You're not known for making carefully laid plans but you can't feel at ease when people keep questioning your every move. Work may be unpleasant thanks to a stuffy colleague who thinks your work is too whimsical. This is definitely not the best day to bolster your ego. At least you can be kind to yourself!

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