
You command respect at work. That's because you always show your appreciation for everyone's contributions. When something goes wrong, you seek to fix the problem instead of assigning blame. That's why so many people are willing to come to your aid, knowing the experience will be positive. If you feel tired, stop pushing yourself to finish a long list of things to do. Taking a nap will revive you. Trying to push through your exhaustion will only lower your resistance and make you irritable.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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People respect your principles. Instead of protecting your interests, you think in terms of what is best for the entire group. That's why you've been asked to assume a leadership position. Everyone on the team knows you can be trusted with the group fund. A friend will ask you to accompany them on an all expenses trip. Take this opportunity to get a break from the mundane duties of life. It will be so refreshing to get a change of scenery. Let your mind wander.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You have insight to a problem that is confusing everyone else. Don't reveal this information; it would only disrupt a secure situation. The truth will emerge after a troubled leader gets the help they need for an addiction. Until then, you should remain silent. There's a good chance you'll be asked to replace the person in charge. Your ability to work with artists will restore a troubled division to its former excellence. Instead of imposing a lot of silly regulations, you encourage free expression.

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You pour your emotional energy into creating works of art. This obsession with beauty can sometimes drive love from your life. It will require a very confident person to become your romantic partner. You'll meet the right person when you're ready to share your life. Are you already in a relationship? Going on a long trip overseas can strengthen your bond. So often, people grow apart because they become immersed in their separate roles. This causes couples to lose sight of each other. Don't make this mistake.

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A neat, orderly environment boosts your productivity. If you're overwhelmed with projects, take a few moments to organise your surroundings. You'll uncover some materials that you thought were permanently lost. This discovery will inspire you to do some of the best work of your career. A passionate encounter will cause you to reassess your priorities. Instead of carrying out responsibilities to win public approval, you'll pursue the activities you love. Stop looking to others for guidance and follow your heart.

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Don't let petty criticism undermine your confidence. Your quest for perfection is impractical. Even the greatest artists were flawed in some way. By allowing your mistakes to co-exist with flashes of brilliance, you'll be happier. Best of all, you won't care what others think. A close relationship has a fated quality. Sometimes it feels like you can read your partner's mind. When you begin doubting yourself, ask your best friend or romantic partner to fortify your confidence. With their help, you'll remain on track.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Working from home would be a good arrangement for you. You've always been sensitive to your surroundings. When you're able to cultivate a tranquil office environment, you will produce fabulous results. Work with responsible, motivated individuals who don't like to gossip. Forgiving a past transgression will allow physical healing to occur. Whether you're dealing with minor infection or chronic condition, you can feel better by releasing anger, resentment and guilt. Give yourself permission to move to higher ground.

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The thought of speaking before a large group is intimidating. You must push past your fear and give this presentation anyway. After two minutes, you'll breathe easier and communicate your ideas in an entertaining way. It helps to have a friend in the audience. Pay careful attention to your dreams. They contain the inspiration for an art project. A few notes of music or the opening lines of a book should be recorded as soon as you wake up. You won't want to forget this brainstorm.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Money lends stability to your life. Even an adventurer like you needs a safe place to rest your head. Buying a home is possible, especially if you allow relatives to help with the deposit. Entering a rent to buy agreement is another possibility. Devoting more time to a creative pursuit that you enjoyed when you were younger will be rewarding. When you feel anxious, pick up a paintbrush. Knead a lump of clay. Play some music. Do whatever you can to escape to a world of pure imagination.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Keep your anger under control. Exhibiting grace under fire will allow you to resolve a personal problem quickly and easily. Don't let an intimidating rival cause you to lose sight of your goals. Your persistence and determination will pay off. Continuing to develop a creative project will be a marvellous outlet for your imagination. Instead of making things practical or factual, add an element of whimsy to your work. Your playful style will be highly popular. Recording a podcast is another promising possibility.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Working in seclusion is satisfying. It's so enjoyable to listen to your intuition without any interference. Although your friends, relatives and colleagues mean well, they often offer unhelpful advice. That's because they don't understand your tremendous vision. You want to create something unique. An artistic approach will attract customers. Don't be surprised when you get more orders than you can satisfy by yourself. You may need to call in some help to get your business off the ground.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A concern for humanity causes you to volunteer for a charity. Working to make the world a better place will give you a new lease on life. You might even be inspired to quit an oppressive job to take a position with a worthy charitable organisation. Your ability to communicate the needs of a vulnerable group will raise lots of money. People will be moved by your description of these conditions. Soon, you can bring relief to parts of the community that have been long neglected.

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