
A stubborn attitude gets you in trouble with the rest of the group. Everybody else just wants to finish a job as quickly and painlessly as possible. You're focused on perfecting every single detail. Instead of digging in your heels and insisting the team do things your way, turn on your powers of persuasion. Compliment people on their individual talents, and then ask for help with various aspects of the project. Why make enemies when you could be forming alliances?

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Your temper flares when authority figures won't listen to sense. No matter how many facts you present, the powers that be will insist on trying some untested technology. Worst of all, when things fall apart, your bosses are apt to blame you. There is a silver lining to this cloud, though. Your thoughtful handling of the situation will win the approval of a female executive. After all the dust finally clears, she will offer you a terrific job that draws on your creative talent.

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Oversensitivity could cause you to lash out at someone who doesn't mean any harm. Beware of jumping to conclusions. What sounds like a sarcastic remark is actually praise. You have to learn to not only recognise compliments, but accept them gracefully. Someone who has fancied you for a long time will ask you out to an exotic restaurant. Don't be shy about accepting. The two of you are great conversationalists and will talk into the wee hours of the morning.

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A loved one accuses you of being cold and detached. It's not because you don't care about their welfare; it's just that you can't afford to break down at such a critical time. Attending to financial troubles is more important than wringing your hands with grief. A secret benefactor admires your grace under fire, and could put you in the path of a lucrative work assignment. As far as today is concerned, having the right attitude makes you a magnet to good fortune.

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Temptation stands in the way of a good decision. Someone could offer you an impressive promotion, provided you sell out your peers. Listen to your conscience and turn this offer down. At first, you'll kick yourself for being too nice. After a few days, you'll be glad you took the high road. A well positioned friend who values your honourable behaviour may invite you on a glamorous getaway. This is one offer you can accept without any pangs of conscience!

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Your beliefs are not superior to those of anyone else. If somebody doesn't share your religion or political persuasion, try not to hold it against him or her. By talking about safe subjects like movies, art, books and sports, you can find some common ground. Your ability to get along with people from all walks of life will lead to a promotion. There's a reason for the challenge you currently face. The measure of your character will be decided by how you handle this problem.

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You've got love on the brain, and it will take a powerful force to dislodge it. Suppressing your desires will only lead to perverse behaviour. Find a healthy outlet for this upsurge of energy. Playing music, writing, painting, or dancing are all worth thinking about. While you're exercising your creativity, you could cross paths with somebody who was born in a foreign country. It may feel like love at first sight. Take your courtship slow; there's plenty of time to get serious.

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Indecision will put you in a tough spot. Sometimes it's better to flip a coin and move forward than remain idle. If your choice turns out to be disastrous, you can always correct it later. Right now, people are depending on you to lead the way. On the plus side, there is a pleasurable evening ahead. Someone who enjoys your company will offer to spoil you. Let yourself be treated to some tender loving care. Although you pretend otherwise, you yearn to be fussed over.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're a stickler for the rules, which causes tension within the group. Some of your colleagues prefer to put a creative spin on their work, experimenting with different methods and adapting their approach to fit exceptional circumstances. Stop acting like the overseer and let everyone do as they see fit. If trouble occurs, you won't be responsible. A strong friendship helps you cope with work related stress. Lean on a loved one for support if you get anxious or worried.

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You may be accused of being selfish, putting your needs ahead of everyone else's. There's no shame in treating yourself to luxuries. After all, you work hard; you ought to enjoy the fruits of your labour. Still, it shouldn't stop you from sharing your wealth with others. If you go clothes shopping, clear out your closet for the new items. Give some good looking cast offs to friends and family. Better yet, pick up some small gifts along the way.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Emotional honesty is critical to a good relationship. Open your heart to a relative who has been causing sorrow. Although you hate passing judgment on anyone, you can't help but object to his or her behaviour. Innocent people are being harmed because of his or her irresponsibility. If you don't say something, the problem will continue unchecked. Be willing to champion a youngster's interests. Somebody has to take a moral stand here, even at the risk of a family feud.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Listen more than you speak today or you'll miss some important information. When you get nervous, you have a tendency to chatter away. By working to overcome this habit, you'll gain the respect of friends, family and colleagues. You're a very insightful person and have important things to say about politics, art and culture. Unfortunately, these insights tend to get buried in an avalanche of blabber when you become nervous.

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