
A complete transformation is underway. Loyal friends and relatives will celebrate this change, knowing it is the result of a great deal of hard work. Those who want things to stay the same will be resentful. Wish them well and send them on their way. Someone who admires your courage will come forward to help you. Accept their financial or emotional assistance with a grateful heart. With their support, you will move mountains. Congratulate yourself on demanding a better life. This took courage.

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You're blending two different things to make a superior product. This ability to improve on a formula makes you a valued member of the community. Don't be surprised if you are put in charge of a creative team. People will enjoy trying to impress you. Reversal of misfortune causes you to breathe a sigh of relief. Now you're no longer trying to make an outdated formula work, things will work to your advantage. The financial success and emotional fulfilment you sought will arrive.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You've escaped from bondage and it feels wonderful. While it's a little intimidating to strike out on your own, you'd rather be independent than oppressed. Launching your own business will be especially enjoyable. Your good ideas will make a tidy profit. No matter what your financial situation, focus on its merits. It doesn't matter if you have lots of money in the bank or simply a warm place to stay. Your appreciation will cause your good fortune to multiply and grow.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Rapid change is occurring. This isn't a bad thing. You have always been fond of familiar routines, but when they no longer serve you, they limit your potential. Be enthusiastic about a transformation that has been imposed on you. Your positive attitude will be rewarded. Working as part of a team will be lots more fun than expected. Not only will your colleagues be very talented, but they'll also appreciate your gifts. Together, you'll create something of lasting value.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You're getting help from higher forces. When things don't go your way, stay calm and breathe deep. Say a prayer of gratitude. Your faith in the Universe will be rewarded in the form of a lucrative job, loving relationship or rare creative opportunity. An ability to juggle a tight budget works to your advantage. Be creative about fulfilling financial obligations. Pay one small bill in full. This will cause economic momentum to build, allowing you to soon fulfil other obligations.

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Your intuition is right on target. Don't worry about studies and polls. When you feel compelled to take a path, you will be rewarded. This is especially true regarding romantic relationships. Wear your heart on your sleeve with someone you admire. An exciting financial offer will be made. Taking a job with a powerful company is strongly advised. Not only will you earn a good salary, but you'll be rewarded for your bright ideas. You could also benefit from some of the professional perks that might be on offer.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Joy and happiness are yours if you want them. Stop doubting your worthiness. When you accept the notion that life works on your behalf, fabulous abundance will flow into your life. If you insist everything is a chore, you'll encounter obstacles. The choice is yours. Becoming an apprentice or intern is worth your time. Not only will you gain valuable experience in this role, but you'll also develop a unique style. Before you know it, you'll be able to sell your artisanal wares for a handsome profit.

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Forgive yourself for past mistakes. You are only human and can't be expected to render a perfect performance. When you venture down the wrong path, simply correct your course. Apologise to anyone you have harmed and start afresh. It usually takes several attempts to succeed. The opportunity to join a prominent professional group will fall in your lap. Don't worry about fitting in with the crowd. Your unique personality will make you one of the most popular members. Everyone's yearning for a new perspective.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You're completing an important cycle. Now that you've acquired valuable knowledge and experience, you're ready to assume a responsible position. The thought of being tied down to an important job is a little intimidating. Stop entertaining terrible scenarios. Imagine everything will work perfectly instead. Material security is on the horizon. Being able to hand down money and property to your loved ones will fill you with pride. It feels good to create a secure foundation for those who have big dreams.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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After being helpful and supportive to people who have less power, you're starting to realise your own goals. So many members of your community are rejoicing over your accomplishments. Be willing to attend a big party that is thrown in your honour. When you achieve long-term security, you will be sure to share the wealth with your friends and neighbours. You're not the type who can gloat over your wealth while everybody else struggles to make ends meet.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Be impartial when making decisions. If you're expected to hire staff, chose people who are not only gifted, but willing to work as part of the team. Someone who gets the best score on a test isn't necessarily the right person for the job. Seeds that you planted long ago will begin to sprout. This ability to make temporary sacrifices to realise long-term goals is admirable. Instead of demanding immediate results, you patiently take a series of small steps that result in tremendous success.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Instead of fighting a trend, give in to it. You don't have to adopt distasteful views. When people voice ideas that offend you, remain silent and pray for their happiness. Attend to your own needs in quiet, meaningful ways. Soon, you'll cultivate true happiness. Although you can't control anyone else's behaviour, you can direct your own thoughts and feelings. Find something worthy of celebration in everything you do. This attitude of gratitude will turn you into a prosperity magnet.

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