
Your dynamic personality sets the ball in motion. A stalled plan finally moves forward, making you breathe a sigh of relief. Someone who is resistant to change will try blocking your efforts. Don't be swayed by their arguments that everything is moving too fast. If you are going to meet your goal, you'll have to act quickly. Too much valuable time has been lost. You'll have the last laugh. An appreciative expert will thank you for making the necessary changes to an outmoded institution.

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You're looking for ways to escape the stress of daily life. Taking time off work will cause resentment among colleagues. People have become overly reliant on you to do certain aspects of their jobs. By forcing them to reassume these duties, you'll come back to a healthier, happier workplace. You're happy to help others who are overwhelmed, but assuming the responsibilities of three people is too much. Enjoy your time away from the office. Splash out on luxurious accommodations; you've earned a treat.

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Breaking free of a restrictive situation will be a relief. You want to be able to explore unusual ideas and develop innovative projects. Being surrounded by stuffy traditionalists is limiting your ability to explore unknown territory. The sooner you go solo, the happier you will be. You have no problem showing respect for time-honoured institutions that work. When they fail to meet modern needs, you're compelled to update them. Anyone who tries to block your path is being short sighted and unrealistic.

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Take control of your destiny. If you're in a dead-end job, transition to a more rewarding career path. This may involve anything from sending out a slew of applications to earning an advanced degree to starting your own business. It doesn't matter how you choose to improve your prospects; the important thing is to make some moves. Sitting around and complaining will not solve your problem. Assuming responsibility for your situation will. Turn your back on the darkness and move towards the light.

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Your desire for freedom will prompt you to take an exciting trip. You're bored with familiar surroundings. Visiting a foreign country will be stimulating and informative. You'll learn a great deal about a culture that is much different from yours. Getting used to a different pace of life will be eye opening. Don't be surprised if you're inspired to overhaul your daily routine to make more time for love, laughter and leisure. There is more to life than drudgery.

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Satisfy your need for privacy. Sneaking away from the spotlight will be a relief. Take this opportunity to enjoy relaxing pursuits like reading, writing and listening to music. Normally, you enjoy being of service to others. When people become overly dependent on you, their demands for help feel more like burdens than blessings. By taking a short break, your natural good humour will be restored. You'll also remember the importance of taking time for yourself. When you put your own needs first, it becomes easier to assist others.

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It will be difficult to achieve peace, harmony and cooperation. A combative romantic partner or colleague is stirring up trouble. Until you confront them, this pest will continue to create drama wherever they go. Be clear that you will not tolerate their disruptive behaviour. If they continue creating chaos, break off your relationship or file an official report. You can no longer ignore their disruptions. Others who have been victimised will give you their support. Everyone is sick of these upheavals.

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Tidying up your surroundings will relieve stress. Take a few hours out of your busy schedule to file away paperwork, throwing away trash and stowing unused items into storage bins and baskets. You'll be so relieved when you aren't forced to search for an impending bill or find a comfortable place to sit. If you're overwhelmed with work, think about hiring a housecleaning service. Treat this expense as an investment in your sanity. It's hard to think clearly when you're immersed in clutter.

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Throwing a big party will be lots of fun. You're happiest when surrounded by your favourite people. A few distant acquaintances will take offense they didn't receive invitations. Don't be defensive when asked why they weren't asked to attend. You have a big social net that can't possibly be accommodated by a single gathering. As the host, it's up to you who you invite. Anyone who complains is putting you in an unfair position. Stay calm and don't let the haters break your stride.

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If the pressure of public life is getting you down, spend some quiet time at home. Domestic chores like cooking and cleaning will feel grounding. It will be a relief to have some delicious food in the refrigerator and some clean spaces in which to luxuriate. Have you been missing a distant relative? Take this opportunity to call them and catch up. You've been so busy with work that you've lost touch with the people who give you unconditional love. Stop neglecting these relationships.

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Keep the lines of communication open with your family. If you've been fighting about politics or religion, keep these subjects off limits. When the both of you respect this rule, you'll be able to keep your relationship intact. Are you dealing with someone who does not respect your boundaries? It may be best to talk through a third party whenever you have to exchange messages. In all other cases, maintain a healthy distance from one another. There's no point subjecting yourself to abuse.

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Weaving a financial safety net will give you peace of mind. Although it's tempting to spend money as soon as it hits your bank account, you will be better served by putting a percentage of your income into a savings account. Slowly but surely, your nest egg will build. This cushion will give much needed emotional assurance during times of trial. Being able to cover basic expenses will be possible when you're out of work or have to pay for emergency repairs.

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