
The demands of work are creating problems at home. Your family wants to spend more quality time with you. It's especially important to be present for a youngster who treats you like a role model. Instead of trying to satisfy both sides, make a choice. Resist the temptation to steer a friendship into romantic waters. Although an old acquaintance is extremely attractive, you aren't well suited as a couple. Look elsewhere for happiness. If you have a partner, re-establish your intimate connection.

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You hate being lectured by someone who pretends to be morally superior. Instead of pointing out their hypocrisies, it's better to nod, smile and walk away. This pest doesn't think they can convert you; they simply want to make you angry. Don't take the bait. Pressure at work is starting to build. You'd much rather spend time on your personal life. Scale back your schedule and arrange a getaway with your best friend or romantic partner. Head for a mountain retreat.

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Remember you are on a budget. If someone asks you to go on an expensive holiday, you should regretfully decline. There will be other opportunities to travel. Right now, you must protect your bottom line. If your current job doesn't pay well, look for another. A romantic relationship is showing signs of strain. Getting therapy for some emotional hang ups can be helpful. It's time to develop a healthier outlook about sensuality. Instead of overthinking every situation, you'll learn to do what feels good.

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Your partner isn't giving you the affection you deserve. Although you sympathise with their busy schedule, it's important to assert your needs. Continuing to accept neglect will create a dangerous pattern. It's possible this isn't the best time to have a relationship right now. The best way to fill your leisure time is with an art project. If you've been struggling with a creative block, just keep working. A marvellous breakthrough will occur while you do some preliminary exercises.

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Burying your head in the sand will only prolong a problem. If a job search has been unsuccessful, move things up a gear. Taking a temporary position, starting your own business or getting advanced training are among the possibilities. Push past your fears and take a risk. Your best friend or romantic partner is demanding more space. Instead of fighting this request, give in to it gracefully. Having more time to yourself will be a blessing in disguise. Return to a favourite hobby from childhood.

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Your unwillingness to let go and have a good time is damaging your love life. Stop putting so much emphasis on duty. Make more room in your life for fun and laughter. This is especially important if you already have a partner. A health problem demands immediate attention. Make an appointment with a trusted medical professional. If you're not sure who to see, put out the call on social media for recommendations. One name will be mentioned several times, pointing you in the right direction.

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If your heart isn't in a relationship, it's time to leave. You can't force affection. Some people will look down on you for leaving this dead-end situation. They will insist your first loyalty should be to your partner. Nothing could be further from the truth. Money is tight. Although you long to buy a luxury item, it's better to postpone this purchase. Living from one payday to the next causes more stress than it is worth. Build a financial cushion. You can treat yourself later, when you have some savings.

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You're sceptical about someone's expertise. Just because a person doesn't look the part of a professional does not mean they are incompetent. Suspend your judgment and review their performance instead. You will be astonished by how talented this expert is. A relative's wild behaviour is driving you to distraction. It's time to establish some healthy boundaries. There's no reason you should keep bailing out this troublemaker. The sooner you force your loved one to accept the consequences of their actions, the better off you'll be.

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Just because someone doesn't share your values does not mean they are immoral. Try being a little more open-minded towards a newcomer. You may not belong to the same religion, political party or cultural group, but you have lots in common. Let down your defences. Beware of getting drawn into a heated argument on social media. Even making a sarcastic remark on a stranger's page can come back to haunt you. Find a healthier outlet for your frustrations. Spending time outdoors is always therapeutic.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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The demands of your best friend or romantic partner are making you tired. It's time to set some boundaries. Although you enjoy making life comfortable for others, you also have work to do. Encourage your other half to become more independent. The cost of replacing an appliance will put a dent in your budget. Don't stress over paying this bill. By staying positive, you'll attract a moneymaking opportunity that will offset this loss. The key to cultivating prosperity is to have faith in the Universe's limitless abundance.

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Ignoring a health problem won't make it disappear. Go easy on fat, sugar and alcohol. They are causing your body distress. Monitor how you feel after eating meals that are mainly comprised of lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains. The difference will be significant. Beware of being too pushy at work. Your boss is looking for a team player, not a superstar. If you want more recognition, it would be better to start your own business. Weigh up your options.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Friends aren't very respectful of your creative pursuits. They often tease you about your desire to write, play music or paint. Instead of laughing off these jokes, it's time to challenge them. Make your displeasure clear and set some firm boundaries. Listen to your instincts about a learning opportunity. Although you'll have to make some sacrifices to further your education, that shouldn't stop you from making the most of this chance. Let go of a familiar situation for the sake of personal growth.

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