
Your luck changes oh so positively as the Sun lights up your personal good fortune until Christmas. After dealing with lots of mundane money matters for the past few weeks, a break sounds tempting. Think about destinations that feature an element of adventure. If not for now then hows about later, and, by the way, your own country has more going for it than you've given it credit for - try it out.

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Concentrate on money, possessions or ownership issues that must be sorted before 2002. Debts start to rear their ugly heads, just as the holiday season gears up. The important thing is not to feel pressured into buying wildly expensive presents. It's not just as simple as that but you need to unravel complications over cash that may need a solicitor or accountant to get to the bottom of what's fair.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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As the Sun enters Sagittarius so your heart enters into a partnership but don't rush things. Relationship matters will have special emphasis for the next four weeks. If things haven't been going well between you and your spouse then wipe the slate clean now. If you're looking for a mate, put yourself out on the social scene. The important thing is to forge one-on-one bonds that make you feel centred.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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The cosmic energy is on work and health and the Sun helps you to succeed and feel vital in both. You want to be wanted and needed, so the next month can be especially rewarding. Suddenly, everybody seems to want your services. Whether it's bringing chicken soup to a sick friend or covering for an absent colleague, you will find plenty of uses and excuses for your time. Just don't forget to attend to your own self.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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You are the best thing since sliced bread this next month, creatively, romantically and sexually. Finally, the emotional roller coaster is slowing to a stop, allowing you to spend time on more pleasurable pursuits. Painting, acting, dancing...all your favourite forms of expression are calling your name. Don't be surprised if your love life starts to show signs of life again. The bloom is back on the Leo rose.

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Give home and family matters your time and the result will be a more secure and loving month. More and more, you're looking at the past for answers to some pressing emotional concerns. And though it's true your parents weren't perfect, it's also important to realise that you can shape your own fate, now that you're an adult. Try not to fall into the trap of feeling sorry for yourself. Mould your own destiny.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Spread yourself about a bit and accept every occasion and invitation going to discover happiness. Spending more time getting to know people helps you mend and strengthen close ties at home and in the community. You're starting to see that money isn't everything. Thankfully, you've always had a knack for getting along with people from all walks of life. Reach out to someone who has recently moved to your neighbourhood.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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December is all about money but use it to invest in something that gives 2002 a golden start. Your money-making skills will be especially strong for the next four weeks, so be sure to put them to work. Devise a plan to get out of debt, increase your income, and put some money into savings. Your self-esteem will skyrocket making a little progress toward one or all of these goals.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The Sun sails into your sign so push yourself forward and show the world what a star you are. Today marks the beginning of a very productive period, provided you take action. It's imperative that you launch any new projects you've been mulling over between now and Christmas. Otherwise, you'll feel stifled and restless. Serious undertakings are always a bit scary, but have faith. The cosmos is on your side.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Heed your psychic thoughts as you are being told something that will bring you deep happiness. A spiritual void is robbing you of the joy and fulfilment you deserve. You're going to have to change your priorities if you want this gnawing yearning to go away. Cut down on your social commitments, avoid overtime, and reduce your involvement with outside activities. It's time to turn inward.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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The future's where its at so during December push confidently ahead with a long term wish. For the past month, you were forced to go to ridiculous lengths to make others happy. Things are about to change, though. Suddenly, you're able to focus on your own hopes and dreams. Pull back a little from your public life so you can spend more time on private pursuits. You've earned your independence.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A career crisis is imminent but before it becomes a trauma decide what you want to do and then do it. You're usually content to remain in the background, but a change may come over you now. Suddenly, you want recognition for your hard work. Don't expect to get it immediately, though. Talk to your superiors about where you want to be in the coming months. You can't expect these folks to read your mind.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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