
You're bound to be very busy, so breathe deep. You will encounter the occasional obstacle, like an old piece of technology breaking. Instead of trying to fix this item, just buy a new one. There comes a point when it doesn't pay to patch up a piece of machinery. If you're struggling with a legal issue, enlist the aid of a professional. Be sure to leave time for socialising this evening. Friends help put your life in perspective and make you laugh at your foibles.

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Money can be a source of pleasure or pain, depending on your attitude. You may not have enough funds to splurge on a luxurious treat, but you can still enjoy what you've got. Pause to enjoy simple pleasures like a home cooked meal, bouquet of flowers, or beautiful view. If you're trying to win someone's heart, you don't need to do it with money. Your earthy sense of humour and good looks should be sufficient.

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You want to do things your way, but a family member could be blocking you. You're sick and tired of listening to their gloomy predictions. A little encouragement is all you want. Unfortunately, it won't come from the relative in question. Seek out more adventurous company. These friends will give you the confidence you need to explore greener pastures. You may make a few mistakes on the way, but it's better than being stuck in one place.

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Staying in the background is preferable to making a public appearance. You're tired of people scrutinising you all of the time. Relatives and neighbours can be especially critical. Turn a deaf ear to their negative remarks. You're trying to change, and this threatens your nearest and dearest. Yes, your methods are unconventional, but they work. Don't tax your system with junk food, booze, or drugs.

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Sharing your resources with others comes naturally to a generous soul like you, but you need to be careful about enabling a friend's bad habits. If someone with a troubled past asks for a loan, refuse. You work hard for your money, and don't want it wasted. A child who throws a temper tantrum needs to be disciplined. Laughing at your young friend's antics will do more harm than good. Remember, it's your job to set a good example.

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Dealings with an authority figure can be complicated. They might doubt you have the experience to handle an important job. The more you insist you can do it, the less convinced they are. The best plan of action is to stay silent and let your actions speak for themselves. If somebody else gets the assignment, so be it. Continue to focus on your own performance. In time, your patience and attention to detail will be recognised.

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An unfamiliar situation throws you for a loop and you feel like you're totally out of your league. Instead of putting on a false show of assurance, ask for help. Someone who is younger than you may have valuable advice. Be sure to take their tips and give credit where credit is due. There's no shame in learning from children. It just shows you're an open minded, enterprising, adventurous individual.

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You're undergoing a profound transformation, which is painful at times. It's hard to let go of an old friendship. Unfortunately, you and the person in question have grown apart. Political, religious, or ethical differences are too intense to bear. The two of you are better off going your separate ways than trying to force the relationship. Once you do make the break, you'll feel as though a tremendous weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

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Beware of being too forceful with a friend, fellow worker, or romantic partner. If you continue to push, resentment will set in. You've got to give an idea space if it's ever going to take root. If your friend doesn't take your suggestion, accept defeat gracefully. Throwing a tantrum will only compound the trouble between you. In this case, it's more important to preserve with the relationship than get your way.

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A cleaning project may be more than you bargained for. Try to set small, manageable goals, or you will throw up your hands in despair. If you live with other people, there's no reason you should tackle this job alone. Assign tasks to relatives or roommates. Upheavals in your neighbourhood could cause you to consider moving. Don't make any rash decisions now. Instead, look at properties in other communities and weigh up your options.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You think your prospects are better than they really are. Resist the urge to take a gamble, even if you think you're dealing with a sure thing. Financing could fall through at the last minute, or a source of steady income will suddenly dry up. You're far better keeping your money in an interest bearing account, where it will sustain you through lean times. Turn a deaf ear to a persuasive friend who thinks you need to take more financial risks.

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Home life is very frustrating. It feels as though you don't have enough room to grow. Getting rid of some of the clutter can be helpful. Go through your possessions and get rid of anything you haven't used in a year. This includes brand new items. You can always sell them online or donate them. As for things that are broken, ugly, or depressing, throw them away. Holding on to such stuff can prevent you from making healthy emotional and financial choices.

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