
Don't be afraid to challenge someone whose ideas aren't sound. By proposing different methods, you'll impress those whose opinions matter. Working alongside them as part of a team will be instructive. You'll learn valuable lessons about how to press your point and when to retreat. Right now, you should contradict anyone who has a cynical view of the world. You have great ideas to improve it and shouldn't be intimidated by their rather introspective instincts.

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There is no such thing as coincidence. If you are given a rare opportunity to try something new, grab it. You've reached a pivotal moment in your life. Going down a different path will be both challenging and rewarding. There's a good chance you will abandon your current career path for another. You've always longed for financial security. Having a job that pays well and offers excellent benefits will help you relax. It will be easier to enjoy yourself when you're not worrying about money.

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No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to win some people over to your point of view. A boss or line manager won't entertain any of your bright ideas. Things will be different with a romantic partner. Your amour implicitly trusts you. That's why you work so well together. When you want to do something, you can depend on your loved one's full support. If you've been thinking about starting a business or relocating, do it. Fulfilling your potential is more important than having a steady job.

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You will be awarded a wonderful job just when you need it most. The prospect of getting paid to exercise your creativity fills you with happiness. Although you have tremendous leadership ability, you still enjoy making things of beauty and value. Fortunately, this position allows you to give guidance while developing intriguing concepts. Your team respects your ability to intuit what individuals need to thrive. You never impose rules without carefully reviewing their implications.

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Finding a creative solution to a stubborn problem will make your confidence soar. If you're falling behind on bills, try ending expensive habits that undercut your financial stability. You can go to the library to borrow books and movies instead of opting for expensive outings. Learning to cook gourmet food will be a cost effective way to satisfy your palette without going broke and if you're a fashionista, think about making your own clothes instead of spending all of your pay on other people's designs.

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You'll get enthusiastic feedback on a creative project. It's good to know your talent is appreciated. The sooner you finish this job, the happier you will be. You'll be able to use this work to attract bigger and better assignments. Soon, you will have to turn away clients. Only work with people who pay well and treat you with respect. Trying to impress a high minded critic will be an exercise in disaster. Such characters are often demeaning because they want to get bargain basement prices.

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Gathering with close friends will lift your spirits. It's fun to be with people who understand your sense of humour. Very often, people are so impressed by your looks that they assume you're not very intelligent. As a result, you get stuck in a lot of boring conversations. That's why it's important to build a social network filled with people who are just as smart and perceptive as you. Being able to discuss your favourite subjects at length is a welcome alternative to talking about the weather.

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Taking control of your finances will be empowering. If you don't know how to read bank statements, learn how. Taking a course in money management will be very helpful. It will help you make informed decisions about your income. Opening a retirement account, eliminating debt and making lucrative investments will be a welcome challenge for you. You have the ability to make money simply by knowing how the market works and exploiting your own expertise.

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It's important to follow a creative impulse, even if your family doesn't understand it. You're extremely artistic and should take every opportunity to exercise your imagination. When you suppress your gift, you become tired and despondent. Continue to carve out time for your favourite pursuit, whether it's writing, playing music, acting or making handicrafts. Associating yourself with other artists can be helpful. They'll be able to commiserate with you over creative blocks.

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An affair of the heart will be more wrenching than you expected. Although the physical attraction to someone special is strong, you probably won't share an intellectual connection. After fulfilling your sensual desires, there won't be much to discuss. Hold out for a partner who is both attractive and intelligent. You shouldn't have to settle for second best. If you're already in a relationship, try cultivating some common interests. Taking a class could strengthen your bond and deepen your love.

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You want to relax and have fun, but everyone else prefers being sombre. Cracking jokes will only draw unwanted attention. You're better off retreating to some private hideaway. Developing a creative project will be a welcome alternative to drudgery. If you play your cards right, you could market this product and service to an underserved segment of the community. Put the money you make into a holiday fund. Being able to travel all over the world will be a refreshing change from work.

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Beware of overdoing it with food and drink. Pace yourself carefully when presented with a sumptuous display of refreshments. Your system is delicate and can't tolerate too much stimulation. That doesn't mean you should abstain. Enjoy yourself, but practice moderation. If you feel tired and sluggish, it's time to get more exercise. Even taking a walk in the morning can boost your energy. Leading a sedentary lifestyle will put undue strain on your heart. Get out and enjoy life.

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