
It's time to get back to work, no matter how comfortable you are. Force yourself to become more productive, even if every cell of your body longs for the comfort of bed. By fulfilling your work obligations, you'll remain in good standing with your colleagues. Shirking your duties will make you unpopular. If you're asked to fill in for an ailing member of staff, do so without complaint. Your cooperative attitude will be rewarded. Right now, your employer needs all hands on deck.

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Hypersensitivity could be a problem, especially where creative projects are concerned. If someone offers constructive criticism, don't get defensive. You may not agree with this feedback, but you don't have to lash out at the person who offers it. There's a difference between being helpful and malicious. By working hard to improve your skills, you can achieve an impressive breakthrough. Don't accept second best. Keep practicing, studying and researching new techniques.

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An embarrassing secret will come to light. The best you can do is admit you made a mistake and ask forgiveness. Several friends may break off their relationships with you. That's their prerogative. You can restore your reputation by demonstrating sincere repentance and changing your ways. This is going to take time. Don't be surprised if feels like you've been left in the cold. Fortunately, your family will be a strong source of support. Lean on your relatives when you feel alienated.

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You shouldn't befriend someone only because you think they can help you. Form your personal relationships based on mutual affection. You wouldn't want to be accused of being an opportunist. A well connected person who is rude should be kept at arm's length. Although this VIP could probably set you up with a job interview or date, they will eventually take their pound of flesh. It's better to maintain your independence. You can get ahead on your own if you remain focused.

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Don't use your status as a means to get special privileges. The last thing you want is to create negative publicity for your employer or company. By waiting in line like everyone else, you will earn the respect of your peers. That's more important than looking like a big shot. The most powerful people don't need to draw a lot of attention by making lots of demands. They radiate authority through their words and deeds. Model your behaviour after a dignified leader you've always admired.

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It will be difficult to resolve a conflict that is steeped in a religious or cultural difference. The more you try to reach a resolution, the angrier each party will become. It's better to leave this topic alone. Neither one of you will convert the other. The best thing you can do is maintain a respectful tone and agree to disagree. Fortunately, your creative juices are flowing freely. Writing a story, playing music or working on a handicraft project will be a welcome distraction from disagreements.

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You should beware of getting involved in a physical relationship too quickly. If you're interested in someone, take things slowly. Get to know each other before letting down your guard. You might decide it is better to remain friends or part ways. It will be easier to do this if you take things slow on the courtship front. Emotions become more complicated when a sensual connection is made. It gets difficult to make logical decisions after you've let down your guard in this way.

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Try not to take a loved one for granted. All of your energy is being poured into a work project. This has caused your best friend or romantic partner to feel neglected. If you're not careful, you will seriously hurt their feelings. Take some time out of your busy schedule to enquire after your friend's health. Ask about their hopes, dreams and plans. Listen more than you speak. This attentive behaviour will soothe some of their resentments and help you forge a stronger relationship.

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You're not especially motivated to work. This will cause a lot of tension among your colleagues. When you don't do your part, others are forced to pick up the slack. That's not fair. If there is a staffing shortage, talk to those who can actually do something about the problem. Start looking for a new position if the situation isn't rectified. Quitting in a huff will seriously undermine your chances for getting another position. Think about the long term future and avoid making any hasty moves.

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You long to spend the day with someone you adore, but duty is calling. Blowing off your responsibilities will undermine your professional reputation. Don't give a rival any ammunition. By continuing to perform at the same high level, you'll maintain your position. Are you overworked? Scale back your activities in a responsible fashion. Give your employer plenty of notice so other arrangements can be made. Strike a better balance between your personal and public lives.

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Know the difference between being protective and suffocating. Allow a family member to make their own mistakes and accept the consequences. Coming to their rescue is damaging their personal growth. Everybody needs to have their character tested. Getting used to coping with adverse conditions can build self esteem and cause emotional growth. Although it's painful to see loved ones struggle, this is part of the human experience. Offer encouragement instead of direct intervention.

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Making insincere statements will come back to haunt you. It's better to speak the truth, no matter how painful. Fortunately, friends will lend their support. You hate making anyone feel bad, but sometimes it's necessary to tell them their work is insufficient. If you're dealing with an immature person, you can expect a lot of fireworks. Stay calm and do not back down. After some time passes, this hothead will apologise for their behaviour. At that point, you can begin afresh.

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