
You can't tolerate dull people. Unfortunately, you will encounter lots of conventional individuals at a party. Resist the temptation to openly mock their attitudes. Hurting people will only undermine your reputation. Be pleasant, pretend to be interested in the things you hear and then leave as soon as possible. Putting in an appearance will win points with your host. It will also give you a deeper appreciation for your friends, who are anything but boring. Birds of a feather flock together.

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If you're going to realise your potential, you will have to take some professional risks. This may require leaving comfortable surroundings. Moving to a strange city is intimidating. You love comforting routines. Having to disrupt your life makes you nervous. Instead of assuming the worst, envision your ideal life. For all you know, you'll fall head over heels in love with your new home. Having the right attitude is half the battle. Do not fall victim to fear. Great things are ahead; embrace them.

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Conventional beliefs don't have much allure for you. You've always been interested in the latest developments in science, education and psychology. Some people think your ideas are utterly shocking. Although it's fun to challenge their assumptions about life, it can also get you into trouble. Don't be so quick to discuss your theories in mixed company. Offending an executive could make it possible to advance in your career. Be discreet and keep your ideas under wraps.

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Your values are different from those of a partner. You place great emphasis on economic security. Having money in the bank makes it easier to sleep. In addition, it's important for you to have a romantic partner who is completely loyal. If you're working with someone who has a lackadaisical attitude towards money and love, you might have to move on to greener pastures. A person who is a fantastic friend isn't necessarily cut out for an intimate relationship.

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Beware of being too hard on a romantic or business partner. You want to control their movements while exercising your own freedom. That's not going to work. Treat others as you want to be treated. You'll have to take a leap of faith. Demonstrating belief in your friend means overcoming deep seated fears about rejection. Stop envisioning scenes in which you are abandoned the moment your back is turned. Until you give loyal people the credit they are due, they will be resentful.

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Health problems are the result of nervous strain. It's time to adopt some relaxation techniques. Deep breathing, guided imagery and gentle stretching are all good ways to deflect stress. Having a few methods at your disposal will make it easier to cope with challenges. You'll also sleep better. Tension gets stored in your body. Unless you are able to gently guide it out of your system, you will experience aches, pains and insomnia. Take this opportunity to get proactive.

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A romance is showing signs of strain. You're tired of ignoring your favourite hobbies to accommodate your partner. Unless you can find a way to easily integrate your lives, it may be better to part ways. If you find some of your amour's pursuits distasteful, resist the temptation to complain. Being more accommodating towards one another will strengthen your bond. Constantly carping and complaining will only make things worse. Think about how you feel when people denigrate your choices.

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You don't want to be tied to one place; you want to go where the opportunities are. This makes it difficult to cultivate a comfortable home life. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need a lot of possessions to have a comfortable domain. A few favourite pieces that can be easily transported can serve as your touchstones. If your family is unhappy with all these moves, cultivate some traditions that lend an air of stability. Performing a daily ritual together can be comforting.

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Beware of saying the first thing that pops into your head. Although you believe in being brutally honest, most people can't handle hearing the unvarnished truth. Try being more diplomatic. If you don't have anything nice to say, remain silent. You may not realise it, but people want your approval. When you cast aspersions at their work and choices, you destroy their confidence. That's not the effect you want to have. Find ways to bring out the best in people through constructive feedback.

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A refusal to be tied down could lead to an unsteady income. Learning to live in the moment is your greatest challenge. Fortunately, you've been blessed with tremendous willpower. It also helps that you are resourceful. You should continue to pick and choose assignments with care. The last thing you want is to be working with demanding people who are impossible to please. You should be seeking clients who appreciate your superior talent and are willing to pay for it.

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Trying to fit in with the crowd is an exercise in futility. You're an original thinker who is always looking for alternatives to mainstream thinking. If your offbeat perceptions upset others, that's their problem. Attempting to ingratiate yourself to an attractive authority figure will make you feel like a hypocrite. Keep marching to the beat of your own drum. You'll continue to attract friends who admire your unique thinking. Your social circle is filled with fascinating individuals; they all appreciate you.

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When you can't be of service to others, you become anxious and irritable. Take this opportunity to get involved in a big fundraiser. Making money for a good cause will make your spirits soar. You're passionately invested in your community, wanting to develop a strong connection with humankind. Performing your daily activities isn't enough sustenance for your spirit. You want to feel that you're making a difference. As a result, you should always be involved with philanthropic efforts.

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