
Leadership will come from behind the scenes. Know the difference between the person who says they are in charge versus the one who is pulling the strings. If you want to get something done, approach a knowledgeable expert with a low profile. They'll guide you through the complicated bureaucracy. The secret to dealing with this individual is being respectful. Always say 'please' and 'thank you' and never assume your requests will be fulfilled. A humble attitude goes a long way.

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Assuming control of a large organisation will be a good test of your managerial skills. You will be able to assemble the pieces of this puzzle after a long period of reflection. Don't let a pushy bystander pressure you into making snap decisions. Your work method is to look, listen and think. After exploring a challenge from all possible angles, you'll make the best possible decision for everyone involved. You might not move quickly enough for some people, but that's your strength.

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Increased ambition prompts you to go after a high-profile position. Working with the public is your strong suit. No matter who you're dealing with, you always manage to be witty, charming and informative. This skill is worth its weight in gold. Becoming a spokesperson for a company will be a stimulating challenge. You might want to step up your wardrobe. Projecting an image of confident professionalism is half the battle. Ask a tasteful Libra for advice on what looks best on you.

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Taking part in a religious, cultural or educational conference will be illuminating. Not only will you acquire valuable information, but you'll also meet interesting people It will be a relief to talk about issues with experts who know the facts. Be prepared to change your opinion about key issues. You're not the type to cling stubbornly to an idea after it has been debunked. That's why you have the respect of your peers. They know you're both compassionate and rational.

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Dealing with joint finances will become your first priority. It's time to resolve a question about a tax bill, inheritance or legal settlement. You'll have to make many phone calls, so be prepared. Keep your mobile charged and have a supply of healthy snacks and reading material nearby. Your persistence will pay off; the secret to getting fast service is to keep calling the same official until you get moved to the front of the queue. Always be courteous, even when being treated rudely.

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Collaborating with a partner will yield creative rewards. You're great at focusing on small details that usually get overlooked, while others are better at developing unusual ideas. Together, you'll produce work that turns heads and generates publicity. Not everyone will embrace your vision. That's fine. Even critics will agree that your efforts are interesting. Your fans will lavish you with praise and ask to see more. Having a strong friendship with your colleague will make this union solid for years.

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Colleagues look to you for guidance. That's because you're able to talk to management and get results. This is a valuable skill that everyone admires. Instead of letting yourself be brushed off with vague promises, you get the authorities to deliver their guarantees. If you've been looking for work, you'll be offered a job in one of the creative fields. Being paid to exercise your imagination will be a welcome change of pace. You're tired of doing the same routine day after day.

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Working on creative projects will bring great pleasure. Lately, you've been spending lots of time on difficult family matters. It will be a relief to put these issues to bed and have some fun for a change. If you're single, you could meet someone special when you're out and about at a theatre, gallery or cinema. Do you already have a partner? Doing something new and creative together will be lots of fun. Refinish a piece of furniture or paint a drab room.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Entertaining people at home will be lots of fun. You're looking to save money but don't want to be lonely. Invite friends over to share meals, have coffee or watch some movies. You don't have to go to extraordinary lengths to host people, but you should make the surroundings as comfortable as possible. A clean kitchen and clear eating surface are sufficient for throwing a successful get together. Nobody will judge you for cluttered rooms or dusty table tops.

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You'll make a splash on social media with an amusing or thought provoking post. While you're too smart to let this fame go to your head, you should still beware. Don't get complacent about what you say on Internet forums. Even an offhand remark might be misconstrued. You don't want a silly joke to come back to haunt you, either personally or professionally. If you're looking for work, search online job boards. You could find a wonderful position that seems tailor made for you.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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More money is coming in at a brisk rate. This will be a great time to buy some electronic equipment and appliances that were previously out of the scope of your budget. These might be boring purchases, but they'll serve you well on a daily basis. If you're dissatisfied with your salary, ask for a raise or find a job that pays better. You have marketable skills that have tremendous value to the professional market. So don't knowingly undersell yourself.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You'll get a welcome energy boost. Take this opportunity to confront a problem that has been getting under your skin. Challenging a bully will make you feel much better about yourself. Generally, you tend to avoid confrontation, preferring to cultivate a comfortable atmosphere. That's no longer possible because of this pest's aggressive words and offensive behaviour. You're the only member of the group who has the standing to say things as they are.

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