
A close relationship is the cause of great distress. You're tired of feeling bad every time you're in a certain person's company. Fortunately, you have enough self esteem to walk away from this toxic bond. Although it pains you to part ways from somebody who was once special, you must. You don't have the time, resources and energy for such a manipulator. Don't beat yourself up wondering whether you could have done something differently. The Universe is putting you on a new path.

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A medical report forces you to make changes to your sleeping, eating and exercise routines. That's really a blessing in disguise. Although you love rich food and a sedentary lifestyle, you need to adopt a different way of life. Cutting back on sugar, fat and alcohol will give you more energy. It will also bring relief from a nagging ache or pain. You have to admit you're sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Turn your back on darkness and move towards the light.

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News of an engagement, marriage or a birth means you have to change your plans. It's important to rein in your spending. Put as much money as you possibly can into savings, for you'll need a nest egg to attend a big celebration or buy a gift. If you're the one who is embarking on a new adventure, it's only natural to feel nervous. It's hard for you to make a serious commitment. You've always preferred keeping your options open. Look at this as a chance to change and grow.

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Wrapping up a property deal will be dispiriting. This has been a long, arduous journey. Now it is over, you're not sure what to do with yourself. You also have a sneaking suspicion that you've made a bad deal. Stop berating yourself. There is a new opportunity ahead. Pause a few moments to reflect on the past and then move forward. You have an opportunity to create a beautiful new home. Don't let minor misgivings or uncertainties stop you making a dream come true.

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The terms of a contract will come to a close, forcing you to pay a big final bill. Although you're not happy about fulfilling this obligation, it can't be helped. Let this be a lesson to be more thoughtful before entering into a business agreement. Checking someone's references can be illuminating. Don't blow a small ailment out of proportion. It's better to work through the discomfort than stay in bed all day. Don't let your rivals think you are vulnerable.

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A job will come to an abrupt end, leaving you at loose ends. Lately, work has been your only form of social stimulation. Instead of brooding about your lonely condition, reach out to old friends. It may take a few tries before they call back. That's only natural; they've become used to you being busy. By making more of an effort to be there for them, your loved ones will try harder to return the favour. Strike a better balance between your personal and professional lives.

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It's time to resolve a conflict with your best friend, lover or business partner. The two of you have very different needs. These diverging paths are taking a toll on your career prospects. If you need to relocate for the sake of the job, then do it. You're usually the one to compromise in any given relationship. Now you've got to stand your ground. No matter what happens, you will come out on top if you defend your interests. Hold fast to your dreams, you must never give up on them.

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You're finally being released from an oppressive situation. Strangely, it feels scary to have your freedom again. Give yourself a push to venture into new territory. The prospect of taking a class or going abroad fills you with anxiety. Push past these fears and expand your horizons. Now you have fulfilled all of your obligations, you should do something for your own benefit. It's important to start this new cycle on a positive note.

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Leaving a club or organisation will be painful but liberating. You're tired of having your fate tied to a group of people who have lost their way. When you first joined, you felt a sense of purpose and excitement. Things have changed since those days and so have you. Asserting your independence is strongly advised. This is a wonderful time to start a savings account and establish some financial security. It's not selfish to protect your own interests; it's smart.

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A job or political position will come to an end, leaving you free to move to another location. Although you don't welcome the prospect of making a new start, that's just because you're mourning your old way of life. Actually, you have the potential for finding a home more in keeping with your current hopes and dreams. Of course, you should discuss your plans with the person who is closest to your heart. Don't assume they'll go along with your plans.

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All the knowledge and experience you've acquired won't help. Some situations require you to make spur of the moment decisions. Trust your intuition to show you the way. An overly attentive friend or romantic partner is getting on your nerves. It's time to get a little more space from one another. If this alliance is meant to be, then you will reunite and form a happier, healthier bond. Give yourself a chance to reconnect with your spiritual side; it has an important message.

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Financial support from an outside source will come to an end. This may require you to find a job. Although the prospect of entering the work force is scary, it is also exhilaration. You have so many extraordinary talents. Using them to generate some personal income will be empowering. You're tired of being reliant on others. If you're feeling tired, try establishing a regular bedtime routine. This will help you get to sleep more readily. Never underestimate your need for rest.

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