
You're rethinking your image. In the past, you had no problem taking the world by storm. This frantic pace has drained you of energy and drive. Slow down and smell the flowers. You won't be disappointed. If you dressed to attract attention, try to subdue your appearance. You don't have to overhaul your entire wardrobe. Instead, you can temporarily opt for more conservative pieces while you make plans for the future. Fading into the background will make you more empathetic.

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This isn't a good time to make final decisions. The information you want remains elusive. You'll have to rely on your intuition to be your guide. That's difficult for a highly practical person like you. You trust facts and figures, not hunches. Treat this situation like a learning experience. The more you practice listening to your instincts, the stronger they will become. This will make you more free and spontaneous in your relationships. It will also give your artwork an exciting flair.

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If you feel neglected by friends, this would be a good time to expand your social circle. Joining a club or organisation will put you in touch with different types of people. You'll gain respect for accomplished individuals who have achieved success despite considerable odds. It's nice to spend time with those who share your tastes and values. When that isn't possible, try associating with individuals whose experience is different from your own. These relationships will be illuminating.

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You've always had a reputation for being a caring person. Now you want to be recognised for your leadership ability. Instead of pouring all your energy into personal relationships. Focus like a laser on your career. Running for political office, pursuing a promotion or launching your own business are among the possibilities. Some people will be shocked by your capacity to put personal feelings aside for the sake of progress. If you have to dismiss someone who hasn't been pulling their weight, so be it.

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Scaling back your ambitions will relieve stress. If you've fallen short of your goals, stay calm. Resist the temptation to beat yourself up. Some seasons involve impressive growth and others are marked by stagnation. If you feel like you're trying to sprint through quicksand, give yourself a break. Cut back your schedule. Stop pushing yourself so hard. Go back to basics. Learning from the beginning will put life in perspective. Instead of contemplating the big picture, you'll be satisfied taking baby steps.

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You're yearning for the good old days. Although it's sad the modern world no longer offers certain pleasures, you shouldn't let that undermine your enjoyment of life. Get into the habit of making a gratitude list each evening. When you experience difficulty, you can always give thanks that the day has finally come to an end. More often, you'll remember simple things that lifted your spirit, like a smile from a stranger or a spate of good weather. Being happy is more of a choice than you think.

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A close relationship is undergoing changes. It isn't realistic to expect this bond to remain the same over a long period of time. If you can't embrace this partnership's new direction, it may be best to cut ties. It's one thing for your loved one to pursue a new hobby or career; it's quite another to fall victim to addiction or obsession. Calmly evaluate your situation. Try imagining what the future will look like five years from now. Does the picture look bleak? Then it's time to move on.

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Changing your personal habits will give you a better outlook. It isn't wise to fill your schedule with lots of thankless tasks. You have to make time for activities that lift your spirits, even at the risk of seeming selfish. Instead of delivering a project by an unrealistic deadline, go for a spa treatment. Rather than cleaning the house, read a good book. If your pantry is bare, order food to be delivered so you can enjoy a movie marathon. Be good to yourself.

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It's important to use your leisure time to its best advantage. Whenever you're not working, running errands or fulfilling other responsibilities, you should be engaged in a meaningful activity. Read a book instead of playing a video game. Develop a creative project rather than surfing the Internet. Update your diary instead of talking on the phone. Being more deliberative about your personal life will make you happy, healthy and wise. Stop frittering away these precious moments; they are meant to be enjoyed to the fullest.

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Your values are changing. Things that once seemed important no longer have an impact. Letting go of these standards will be liberating, not dangerous. You're starting to be more compassionate towards relatives who are different from you. Although you have different beliefs, you are no longer willing to dwell on them. Instead, you seek common ground. This will be a refreshing change from arguing endlessly without any hope of converting each other. You'll start finding benefits in relationships that once seemed pointless.

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Turn your back on people and activities that waste valuable time. You're tired of trying to be polite. Someone who monopolises your attention with boring stories and endless demands has come to rely on you for companionship. This is not your job. Similarly, assignments that eat up valuable parts of your day should be avoided. If your job has become an endless cycle of pointless exercises, it's time to find more stimulating employment. You're too gifted to stay stuck in a dead-end position.

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It's important to separate what you have from who you are. If a certain lifestyle has been elusive, don't get angry. Focus instead on making the most of what you have. When you pour your energy in a positive direction, abundance will follow. This is the law of attraction. It's interesting to note that after people work hard for something, they no longer care about it after reaching their goal. That's why it is important to be mindful about setting goals. What do you truly desire?

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