
A trust has been broken and you aren't sure this can ever be mended. If someone has lied to you or deceived you once, you suspect they can do so again. Your forgiveness is asked for and maybe you will forgive but you will never forget. Yes it's true some people unintentionally make mistakes and blunders but when it involves cheating, slander or deliberate dishonesty, it is less easy to absolve their behaviour.

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Avoid getting too stuck in a rut and this includes getting into the habit of thinking in certain ways. It isn't too difficult to change your views if some ideas are proved to be incorrect or mistaken. Use your intellect to analyse the pros and cons before continuing as you are now. Is there a dead end ahead? What will you do when you can go no further? Isn't it better to change directions now rather than eventually have to backtrack?

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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Make a conscious effort to make yourself happier, don't get too bogged down with life's little problems. The more you think about it the more you will feel blocked by invisible forces. Tension will have an adverse affect on your health and this could become a vicious circle. Soon you will see restrictions that have been placed on your life come to an end and you will get the chance to make your small corner of the world a better place to live in.

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Try to correct the impression a housemate or family member has of you when you know this to be completely wrong. You might never be able to work out how this misunderstanding occurred but what's more important is you rectify the situation before it gets out of hand. Whether you're being accused of something you didn't say, didn't do, or did do but erroneously, it's affecting your relationships and it has to be resolved.

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You've never really minded being the centre of attention and you will thrive in competitive social relations today. You might feel as if you're learning from everything you do in life and even the negative moments will be meaningful in some small way. Even if it means learning from the experience and striving not to make the same mistakes again. You can see the good and the usefulness in everything. Try to get others to see things through your eyes too.

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Giving up is always an option when things aren't going right for you but it should be the last one on the list! If you were to quit now, all you have achieved so far will go to waste. Imagine your success as a line you want to grow longer, not shorter. There is a way to realise your ambitions. Even if it means falling back on plan B; it doesn't mean you are giving up, it is merely changing tactics!

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Being communicative and chatty and letting others in on your creative innovations is the best way to inspire people now. The reason you are the best at what you do is because your approach is unique. Your ideas will not only draw impersonators but they will motivate others to share their thoughts too. Joining up with someone who tackles tasks in a practical and factual way is the best thing you can do today.

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The insight, wisdom and knowledge you get from current experiences might seem priceless to you now. Surprise turns to respect when you realise someone who is much younger than yourself has so much to offer. Their outlook is so confident and crystal clear it helps banish some worries you've been tossing around in your mind. Apply common sense to whatever you are advised to do.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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For everything you gain be prepared to give something back in return. No one is looking for reward or appreciation but you could never accept a gift, help or advice, without being grateful. Remember an act of kindness. If there is no way you can pay it back today and if in the future you must drop everything to do someone a favour, do this without resentment.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Be prepared to change your views or beliefs if it turns out you've been following a false conviction. You cling to your principles like a life raft in a sea of fearful challenges. You're nervous of the storm that could result if you revise your way of thinking. Don't shut your mind to other options and possibilities. In fact each and every situation today needs to be approached with an open mind.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You see the injustice that is rampant in certain situations and how change could bring happiness to other people. The desire to see others at peace might inspire you to take action. If you're 100% sure what you are doing will bring improvements into other people's lives, there is no way you can walk away. Strike out and do your best to achieve something difficult! You will regret it if you don't at least give it a try.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A stranger acts as if they've known you for years but they're postulating on the person they imagine you to be. They don't know you and they're making presumptions on someone who exists only in their imagination. So why take their recommendations seriously? Sometimes people can sound confident and informed when in fact they haven't got a clue what they're talking about. Beware of such strangers today!

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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