
Your health is strong, which allows you to get a tremendous amount of work done in a short amount of time. Resist the temptation to push yourself past the breaking point. Instead of accepting another assignment, go for a massage. Take a nap. Luxuriate in a scented bath. Rest and relaxation will help you cope with some heavy responsibilities that lie ahead. Your family will be pleased you have taken some time to recharge your batteries. They often worry you are burning the midnight oil.

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Taking a risk of some sort will pay off. Whether this means asking someone on a date, buying a single lottery ticket or applying for desirable job is immaterial. The important thing is to move in a direction filled with excitement and adventure. You've always enjoyed familiar routines. Unfortunately, even a pleasant habit can become a gilded cage. By summoning your courage and striving for something better, you'll feel more optimistic. You'll see opportunities where you once saw brick walls.

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There's nothing wrong with wanting to stay home and enjoy domestic pleasures. Pull down the blinds, turn off your mobile and put up your feet. It feels wonderful to escape the pressure of public life. If you enjoy cooking, this would be a wonderful time to make some comfort food. Alternatively, you can invite friends over for a 'bring a dish' dinner. Ask each desk to bring a side dish, beverage or dessert while you serve the main course. Enjoy a meal with your favourite people.

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You have a variety of interests outside work. It's important to make time for these pursuits. Pouring all your energy into your job will make you tired and irritable. If you have difficulty mustering the energy to engage in hobbies after work, sign up for a class. This will give you extra motivation to leave home and get the intellectual stimulation you crave. Best of all, you'll meet interesting people who share your fascination with a particular topic.

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A talent for financial dealings helps cultivate abundance. You've never shied away from asking for more money. People respect your ability to stand up for yourself. That's why you often earn more than any of your peers. If you operate your own business, this would be a good time to raise prices. Few people will complain about the fee increase. That's because they know you are the best and can be relied upon to deliver quality work.

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Your cheerful disposition makes you a popular figure. Party invitations are pouring in. Accept only the ones that promise to be fun. You've always been a hard worker. That's why it's so important to fill your leisure time with enjoyable activities. Standing around talking with cynics about the world's problems will only drag you down. It's better to seek out friends who make you laugh, dream and embrace life. The more discerning you are about the company you keep, the better you will feel.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Getting involved with a charitable organisation will be rewarding. Not only will you meet some influential people, but you'll also acquire some impressive skills. You'll be able to use this knowledge to land a new job. Working on behalf of a good cause will show you how to navigate a large bureaucracy. The people at the top of this organisation will be happy to write you references. So often, getting ahead professionally is about having extensive social connections.

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You know how to deal with prominent people. The promise of favourable publicity will get them to back a project that is close to your heart. Improving your community will take hard work and dedication. By providing a politician with reliable facts and figures, you'll give them the tools to approve this proposal. It's possible you won't receive much credit for your contributions. Don't worry; the people who really matter will know who is responsible for this impressive achievement.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Follow your impulse to pursue a promotion. You have a wonderful opportunity to hold an influential position. Helping others to learn, travel and study brings out the best in you. Have you been thinking about starting your own company? This is a wonderful time to do so. A grant or loan will be awarded to you, as long as you take the time to fill out the application thoroughly. If you're not sure how to answer certain questions, ask an official who works at the lending institution for guidance.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Obeying your principles will make you feel better about a difficult decision. Anyone who urges you to go against your conscience does not have your best interests at heart. Keep them at arm's length and continue to do what is right. Someone who respects your ethical stance will ask to form a partnership. You'll work very well together. You'll bring structure to their work style, while they'll improve your diplomatic skills. This will be a winning combination that increases your earning power.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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A desire for intimacy will cause you to change your routine. Going to bed earlier or designating a date night will be a great way to connect with your partner. Are you single? You will meet someone special through work. It will be hard to resist the charm of a person with an offbeat sense of humour. Mixing business with pleasure is rarely a good idea. One of you may decide to find another job after deciding this relationship is serious.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You will gain power and prestige through a romantic or business partnership. Although you've never been a name dropper, it would be wise to use this connection to your advantage. Whether this means using an influential person as a job reference or asking for a loyal customer discount is immaterial. As long as you're polite, you'll cause doors to swing open without causing offense. If your amour gets a raise, go out and celebrate in style. You've both worked hard to get to this point.

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