
Someone is irritable and moody and determined to entice you into an argument. If you're involved in a competitive event, your chances of catching up a competitor who had a head start, doesn't seem very high. It may seem as if other people are deliberately getting in your way and the distractions they cause will slow down progress. If there is something you really want, you might decide to employ a risky strategy in order to achieve it.

Get todays Aries horoscope
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The household budget is getting out of hand. A catalogue of setbacks might seem to hamper your best efforts to stay within financial limits. Extra expenditures on mechanical breakdowns and the like can't seem to be avoided. Since you can only put this down to it being one of those things that are meant to try us you will probably accept the storm of frustrations with the worse possible grace!

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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A relative or close friend is starting to make unreasonable demands. This will cause tension, especially if you're keeping your grievances locked up inside. Having to face a barrage of criticism from others gives them a chance to get their grumbles off their chest but have they thought for one moment what their words are doing to you? A slanging match will do your relationship no favours but neither will it do you any good keeping thoughts to yourself!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Don't leave financial arrangements and business interests to take care of themselves: they won't! A whirlwind start to the day is no excuse to forget about important matters that need your attention. Distractions may well be coming from all sides but at some point, pause and consider how you're allowing these to sidetrack you. Make a firm stand and insist on returning to your own business; leave others to take care of theirs!

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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The moment you realise some dealings are dubious or deceptive is the moment you should step away. Plenty of ideas are shared today. As it happens you have some of your own and you aren't prepared to abandon these just because certain people won't support you. Eventually you will reach a compromise. Even so, for one reason or another friends and colleagues aren't as cooperative as usual, today.

Get todays Leo horoscope
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After the strange few days you've just been through, there really is no guessing what's in store for you now! It won't be possible yet to start work on a new project because you're relying on others to lay the foundations. So far, they haven't made a start. Delays mean you are unable to get on with what you had intended. You can imagine yourself having to work extra hours over the week ahead to catch up on time lost today.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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A more assertive and forceful attitude will get you further than your usual easygoing manner. Rumours of change in the higher echelons are causing unrest and one way or another; you are determined to discover how much truth there is in these stories. An unexpected emergency later in the day could result in your having to fork out a fair sum of money in order to deal with this crisis.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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A female colleague is unbending and stubborn beyond belief; you need to think of more tactful ways of dealing with her. If you're working to a deadline and haven't time to deal with difficult people you've no choice but to send them away. Don't get drawn into lengthy conversations with those who try to divert you from your task. You need to keep your head down today.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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When new plans are implemented, trouble seems to start. It's easy to pinpoint where all the problems originate from but not so simple to find a solution. An unforeseen problem is so big it could throw your schedule out by weeks unless it is fixed immediately. If matters today in some way involve you in officialdom, do yourself a favour and be patient with authority figures who get your back up.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone isn't getting their own way and they're starting to become bitter and resentful. A lot of environmental damage could be caused by proposals being put forward in your area. If you're against these, get involved in all campaigns to oppose it. If no such venture has yet been set up, there's nothing stopping you from getting one going. There will be plenty of official approval for a community initiative.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Adaptability and flexibility are your strongest assets today. It's not a good idea to make plans because you're in one of those moods when what you want one moment is all wrong the next. A project gets off to a false start when it will turn out someone hadn't got their facts right. Once this is sorted out, new endeavours stand an excellent chance of being successful. Despite some frustrations the day also holds some pleasant surprises.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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A friend or workmate's motives are questioned; this in turn fosters a feeling of disappointment. Don't be surprised if you find yourself doubting another person's honesty or loyalty. Even so, before making judgements, be willing to hear their excuses. Giving someone the benefit of the doubt could make all the difference to them especially if it turns out they did nothing wrong and haven't deserved the hostile treatment they're currently getting.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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