
A period of seclusion comes to an abrupt end. You're reluctant to join the fray again, but there is no other choice. People need your advanced skills. Assuming a difficult job will be a violent jolt. You've become used to working alone. This assignment requires you to deal with a wide variety of people. Try to control your anger at those who insist on doing things their own way. Explain the rules, post them in a place where everyone can see them and be ready to enforce these regulations.

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Changes are occurring to your social circle. You may have outgrown a certain group. It's possible a dear friend is relocating. You might even be told to leave an organisation or club. Whatever the upheaval, it will be emotional. You'll develop a distrust of newcomers and wonder if it's even worth it to pursue other friendships. Don't let this experience turn you against humanity. You simply need to find people who are sympathetic to your outlook. It will take time, but the effort is worthwhile.

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You've been pouring so much energy into family life that your career has suffered. It's time to focus elsewhere. An exciting job has become available. You should apply for it, even at the risk of displeasing your romantic partner or best friend. It's important for you to work in a competitive field. You're the type who needs continual incentives to succeed. Staying in a stultifying position will make you bored and anxious. Don't ask for anyone's approval; just go after your dream.

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An opportunity to grow and expand will be taken from you. It's possible you will be asked to stay in your current job while a colleague recovers from an illness. Alternatively, there may not be enough money in the budget to send you on an important trip. This news is incredibly disappointing. Instead of resigning yourself to a boring future, make a new plan. Arrange to visit a country that has fascinated you since childhood. You'll greatly benefit from the change of scenery.

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You will no longer be responsible for someone else. You have mixed feelings about this change. On one level, you're relieved at having more free time. On another, you're worried about being obsolete. Having a specific role gave your life a sense of purpose and meaning. Now you have to dedicate your energy to something else. Developing your creative talent is a good possibility. Take this opportunity to study with a demanding teacher. Their guidance will take you to new heights.

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A troubled relationship causes you to look closely at your own behaviour. It's possible you've been projecting problems from childhood onto your business or romantic partner. Nip this trend in the bud. When your friend does something to anger you, don't lash out. Instead, take deep breaths and ask why you are upset. After some quiet moments of reflection, you'll know the answer. At that point, you can have a heart to heart discussion about how this behaviour affects you.

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An illness will force you to change your daily routine. You'll no longer be able to do as much as you have in the past. Don't let that upset you. It was only a matter of time before your harried schedule sapped your energy. You now have a rare opportunity to rest and recuperate. If someone teases you about being lazy, tell them exactly what you think of their comments. You're tired of being expected to do the work of three people. Everyone has to carry their own weight.

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A romantic relationship will lose its intensity. Instead of sticking around and waiting for things to get better, move on to greener pastures. There's nothing wrong with being single. You have to have some time alone to understand what you want from a relationship. Stay away from suitors who mock your interests and disparage your values. You've always been fervent about your hobbies and beliefs. Hold out for someone who shares your passion for life.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A family crisis will come to an end. You have mixed feelings about this situation. At long last, you'll be able to devote more attention to your romantic life. It won't be necessary to defend your amour to a critical relative. If you're single, you'll find it easier to enjoy the dating scene. Sadly, certain relatives will struggle to adjust to this loss. Offer as much sympathy as you can, but don't feel pressured to share their grief. Embrace your freedom instead.

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You've been coming across as overly critical. For a long time, you didn't think about how this attitude affected others. Now you realise you've deeply hurt people you meant to help. You've always been ambitious. That's why you welcome criticism. When someone points out your flaws, you see it as an opportunity to improve. Very few people have this capacity to hear harsh words about their work. Find a more constructive way to offer feedback. Be more forthcoming with praise, too.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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For a long time, you were certain you couldn't live without a certain possession or a specific amount of money. You're about to learn this isn't true. If you lose something on the material front, don't panic. Treat this setback as an opportunity for personal growth. Learning to place a greater emphasis on emotional resources is important. Stop neglecting friends and family. Turn to them for the love and assurance you need. Their support will help you withstand this temporary financial deprivation.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You're tired of maintaining a false front. Expressing your true thoughts and feelings will be liberating. It will also cause trouble. Your employer won't be happy with your views. That can't be helped. Enforcing an unfair rule is bothering your conscience. If you have to find a different job, start looking for one. You're a conscientious worker who has a list of impressive accomplishments. Landing a position involving education, travel or publishing will make your heart sing.

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