
Don't take your health for granted, even if you are more active than most of your associates. Stepping up your exercise routine will enable you to handle mounting pressures at work. Your services will be in high demand, and so it's vital you remain energised and upbeat for the entire day. Colleagues are less than cooperative, so you may be forced to handle complex duties on your own. Never fear; you will be rewarded.

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You've always erred on the side of indulgence, but that could catch up with you today. If you notice you've gained a few extra pounds or are suffering from the effects of too much partying, it's time to scale back on the binges. It's especially important to set a good example for children who are copying your habits. If the kids see you taking care of your body, they'll follow suit.

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You're not your usual jolly self, preferring to brood over past disappointments. Unfortunately, there's much work to be done, especially on the domestic front. By giving yourself an extra hard push, you'll soon overcome your self pity. If you need inspiration, just remember it's much easier to attract love when you're upbeat and outgoing. Even you have to admit Cupid will have a hard time finding you if you stay buried under the bedclothes

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You're not particularly communicative, preferring to keep your thoughts to yourself. Unfortunately, your silence antagonises friends, relatives, and colleagues. You'll have to be more forthcoming if you're going to maintain these relationships. Disagreeing with someone's plans or voicing your displeasure will further compound the problem. A few white lies and hypocritical smiles are your only recourse. Don't let your conscience bother you; sometimes people just can't handle the truth. This is one of those days.

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It's important to avoid unnecessary extravagances, even if you crave luxury. You simply can't afford to go into debt at this juncture. In case you don't see any end to this dry period, it may be time to approach your boss about a raise. If that's not an option, spread the word among friends that you're looking for extra work. Taking on additional assignments will give you the extra cash you need.

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Although your contributions are important, they aren't invaluable. Authority figures will be more inclined to replace you than cave in to your demands. With that in mind, it's a wise plan to go along with the program. If you're dealing with an intolerable situation, you may want to look quietly for an alternative position. This will give you a better idea of the sorts of work available at the moment.

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It's hard not to feel sorry for yourself, but you must fight this impulse at all costs. Otherwise, you could miss a golden opportunity to study with someone you really admire, or travel to a land you've always wanted to visit. Putting on a happy face won't be easy, but your bad mood will eventually disappear if you make an effort. People will be more apt to lend assistance if they see you helping yourself.

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Don't give too much credence to what other people say, especially with regard to sex. Friends who claim their sex lives are incredible are probably stretching the truth. Actually, many people share your frustrations. The problem is they're not honest about their feelings. Express your needs to your partner in a tender and sensitive way. If you're on your own, you should further develop your own powers of attraction. Display your inner animal.

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It's tempting to take advantage of your position and prestige, but beware. A romantic prospect's interest will start to wane if they see you behaving in a pushy manner. You're better off using your natural charm to motivate people and get good service. Authority figures will also be impressed if they see you adopting a humble attitude. Don't protest if somebody asks you to perform a task that is seemingly beneath you.

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You may have to postpone some exciting plans for another time. The fact of the matter is, you need to focus on work right now. Although the tasks before you are boring and tedious, they must be attended to before they spiral out of control. Don't second-guess somebody who has plenty of experience. This person will offer you valuable advice, provided you are open-minded enough to ask for it.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Pleasures of the flesh are all well and good, but that's not all it takes to forge a good relationship. After you've had your fun in bed, you need to discuss finances with your partner. Otherwise, a nasty power struggle could ensue. If you're on your own, you need to take a more serious approach to relationships. Setting down with somebody who understands your moral standards will result in an incredibly happy transformation.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Giving your nearest and dearest the respect they deserve is vital. And although you love joking around, it's important to appreciate your lover's wants and wishes, as well as their work. Refrain from making fun of their hobbies, and praise their professional efforts whenever possible. Once your partner feels appreciated and admired, they'll lavish you with the kisses and cuddles you crave. You have to admit, it's a fair exchange.

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