
It's impossible to avoid extra duties so grit your teeth and get on with it. Everybody is clamouring for you to assume a position of leadership. You'd rather take the independent route but it's best not to let the public down. Once you finish this project, you can take a well-earned break until then assert your authority. If you don't the whole ball of yarn will start to unravel and your previous work wasted.

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Don't be too concerned with what other people think of a certain relationship. Chances are, you couldn't please these critical people if you tried. It is important, however, to look after your own interests, especially when an affair is getting underway and in its early stages. The way you behave now will set the tone for your interactions long into the future. You'd better get your partner used to the idea that you are no pushover. Assert yourself!

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Authority figures find fault with everything you do, it's so confounding. The harder you try, the more critical they become. At times like these, an experiment is in order. Pull back your efforts, and be less diligent about deadlines. You may be astonished to realize that those same people are less demanding when you are less exacting. It's because they are threatened by anyone who is more able than they are, besides if you take more time it's less exacting on you.

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How can you be fulfilled in your career when you continue to do jobs that are beneath you. Approach your superiors about increasing your responsibilities. If they seem resistant to the idea, then start to look for opportunities elsewhere. The mere act of searching will give your ego a much-needed boost. There's no need to play the victim when you possess such admirable abilities. Show the world what you've got and success will be yours.

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Other people are distracting you from what you should be doing for you. Neglecting a talent or hobby will only cause your own enthusiasm for life to go out. You can't afford to let your passions die for the sake of a good turn that will wait. Pull away from anyone who is demanding so much of your time, at least temporarily. How can you expect to give everything of yourself and then have anything left for yourself?

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Don't use your love life as a means to compensate for unhappy events from your childhood. The sooner you recognize this is what you are doing, the better it will be for both you and your partner. Asking a partner or spouse to make up for a parent or teacher's shortcomings is unfair. You have to deal with this person as an individual in their own right. Saddling them with your heavy emotional baggage from the outset will cause them to suffocate and then drift away.

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Self-discipline is all you need to get tangible results for your efforts. Don't let social distractions undermine your progress. Everybody is so used to you being the life and soul of the party that they will try to tempt you away from your what you should be doing. By resisting their efforts and staying focused on the job in hand, you will be able to surmount the obstacles that once blocked your path. Stop selling yourself short; you can make it if you don't sway now.

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Making sacrifices for necessary training must be done to develop your raw talents. You've had your fun recently, but what have you got to show for it? By getting down to business now, you can start the new year on fertile ground to reap future success. It's all a matter of setting priorities. Admit it: leading a life of leisure doesn't appeal to you as much as realizing the full extent of your gifts and reaching your life goals.

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Although you're grateful for the support others give you, you want something more. Some may accuse you of being insensitive as you go on a quest for adventure, but the truth is quite different. You realize that by clinging to the safe ways, you'll never become the self-sufficient person you've always wanted to be. It has nothing to do with honouring the people you love; it's a matter of self-respect.

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Don't look to others for approval for what you feel and think please yourself first. If you want to explore some disturbing or shocking notions, do so in private. Launch a creative project that allows you to pour out every ounce of potentially self-destructive hostility, anger and hurt you've felt in it; turn negative to positive. As you progress and closer your objectives, you will feel as though a great weight has been lifted from your heart. Free yourself of conventional burdens and what society says is the norm' who are they to lecture and judge.

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Sharing what you know or have learned about life will inspire others. If the people you seek to teach seem resistant to your efforts, back off just a little. Continue to explore your interests on your own, and eventually, they'll come around. Be astute and use some reverse psychology it'll work much more effectively than banging your head against a brick wall. Fortunately, you're clever enough to find ways to make even the most reluctant person develop an avid interest in the real world.

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You must be more diligent and dedicated to reach your projected results. Perhaps the powers-that-be don't think you have what it takes to be a success in the particular area you have chosen. By doubling your efforts, you can prove them wrong. It's important to pace yourself accordingly, though. Too often, you begin a project with energy and enthusiasm, only to get distracted by minor considerations. Stay focused on the goals before you and your frustrations and frowns will turn to smiles.

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