
You have a talent for touching a nerve in the public sphere. A willingness to say it as it is to those in power makes waves. Members of the status quo will be threatened by your thoughts, while those on the fringes will find them liberating. Creating alternatives to mainstream society poses an exciting challenge. It's easy for you, because you're able to think outside the box. Making life easier for the most vulnerable people can be your legacy.

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You're questioning what you really believe after witnessing hypocrisy. You don't want to be one of those people who profess to have certain principles while defying them at every turn. Leading an authentic life will require fundamental changes. Altering your lifestyle, associating with different people and doing different kinds of work are among the possibilities. Don't be afraid to change direction. Slowly but surely, your zest for life will return and you'll become much more spontaneous. Enjoy.

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An intense relationship makes you feel differently about yourself. You're becoming much braver. Facing challenges has become easier. That's because you have someone upon whom to rely. When things get difficult, ask your amour for comfort. They'll be happy to offer praise and encouragement. Take this opportunity to resolve some family drama. Confront a relative who likes to undermine your confidence. You'll walk away feeling confident, excited and empowered.

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A good friend or loving partner is encouraging you to develop your creative talent. Take a painting, writing or music course. You'll enjoy studying with a teacher who shows you new ways to express yourself. Best of all, your relationships will improve in virtually every area of life. Dealing with difficult colleagues will be easier. You'll start making friendships with people who used to rub you up the wrong way. Having meaningful interactions with those you love will become a daily occurrence.

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Your health is improving. That's because you've been working hard to eat nutritious meals and get regular exercise. When you become tired and anxious, a brisk walk can be therapeutic. Staying away from fat, sugar and alcohol is also beneficial. Your mind-body connection has always been very strong. When you detect problems in one realm, attend to the other. Stress can be relieved through exercise, while pains can diminish through relaxation techniques.

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An extremely attractive romantic interest is trying to win your heart. Don't be afraid to fall victim to their charms. Falling in love will bring out your softer side. Instead of trying to control everything around you, it will be easier to relax and go with the flow. Golden opportunities will arrive out of nowhere. Suddenly, you'll be able to travel, write and study. Having time to do the things you love will enhance your allure. Passionate encounters will become part of your routine.

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Changing the way you deal with your family will be empowering. Stop looking for your relative's approval. You're in charge of leading your life. That means listening to your conscience. If you don't resonate with certain beliefs, adopt others that make sense. Are you dissatisfied with a particular lifestyle? Embark on one that gives emotional, spiritual and creative fulfilment. Your family will be distressed at first, but they'll come to accept your decision if you stand firm. Be true to yourself.

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You're a magnetic speaker who makes a powerful impression on others. Don't be afraid to make your desires known. It doesn't matter whether you want a job, relationship or membership. People are eager to help you succeed. Someone will come forward to turn your dream into reality. Although you don't want to feel indebted to anyone, you should accept any help that's offered and make plans to pay people back promptly. Take advantage of lucky breaks whenever they arise.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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The Universe is ready to reward you with abundance. Your task is to be receptive to its gifts. If you've been struggling to make ends meet, give thanks for what you have. This will increase the flow of money to your bank account. A lucrative job, impressive promotion or cash prize will be awarded to you. Give a portion of your earnings to charity as thanks for the generosity you've received. Continue to cultivate an attitude of gratitude. Being thankful will make you prosper and grow.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You have tremendous influence over everyone you meet. Take this opportunity to make a bold proposal. Implementing changes at work will make you much more productive. It will also result in bigger profits for your employer. Don't be surprised when you're given a raise or promotion as a result of this contribution. Are you in love? This is a wonderful chance to ask your amour for a favour. Bat your eyes and request a pet, holiday or status symbol. Your wish will be granted.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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If you want to attract abundance, change your outlook. Focusing on your blessings will cause them to multiply. Dwelling on your needs will increase your desires. The best way to cultivate fulfilment is to express gratitude for all you possess. You don't have to limit your list to money; any form of abundance should be acknowledged and praised. Friends, shelter, food, pets and other simple pleasures should be included. These will make you feel happier, healthier and more optimistic.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Joining a group that accepts you, warts and all, will be empowering. You're tired of trying to fit in all the time. Associating with people who are determined to embrace individual quirks can stimulate your creativity. You won't be afraid to express your artistic side when you are a member of a supportive community. Inspiration can come from foreign cultures. Being able to see the world from a radically different perspective will cause your imagination to run wild.

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