
Arguments over money are making it difficult to have fun. Stop telling yourself enjoyment is tied to wealth. There are plenty of ways to be amused without spending lots of money. Visit a park, garden or museum. Take a walk through the countryside. Browse the local library. Make it your mission to have as much fun as possible on a budget. Your bad mood will lift and people will be more receptive. The prospect of spending time with friends will be exciting, not oppressive.

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Jealousy makes it difficult for you to be generous with your romantic or business partner. Normally, you would be very happy about their success. Instead, news of their recent triumph has made you upset. Find a healthy outlet for your anger. Exercise can be therapeutic. So can writing in a diary, refinishing a piece of furniture or painting a room. When you're finished with your workout or task, feelings of resentment will vanish into thin air. At that point, you'll be ready to celebrate.

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You're not as productive as you would like to be. That's because you miss your family. If you live far from relatives, take a trip to see them. Reconnecting with people you have known for years will renew your enthusiasm for life. Are you simply working too hard? Take a few days off to enjoy a staycation. Being surrounded by familiar faces and cherished belongings will be therapeutic. This respite from work might also prompt you to think of ways to improve your personal life.

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Trying to repress your creative impulses is making you unhappy. Stop loading your schedule with work and make time to write, draw or bake. You've been blessed with a vivid imagination. Neglecting it is like failing to water a plant. Slowly but surely, the life force will be drained from you. You'll become a shadow of your former self. Start delegating responsibilities to other members of your family. There's no reason you should be expected to do all the chores.

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You're so busy taking care of others that you are neglecting your own needs. Put a stop to this destructive cycle. Take time out of your busy schedule for a nap, hot bath or shopping trip. Turn off your mobile so you won't be distracted by demands of help. A reliable babysitter, caretaker or colleague can cover your duties while you are away. If you continue to make yourself available at all hours, you will suffer from burnout. Stop pushing yourself past your breaking point.

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You're reluctant to acquire new skills, fearing you will have too much on your plate. The best way to protect your interests is to ask for a pay rise. If your boss isn't willing to pay you more, look for another position. In the past, you did the work of two people. You realise now you can't waste valuable energy on such an unfair arrangement. It's important for you to have energy after work, so you can enjoy the activities you love.

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You're not willing to share resources with an irresponsible friend. Although you want the best for your loved ones, you resent having to work hard while they're having fun. Be honest about your feelings when someone asks for a loan. This could lead to an argument, but this will be better than letting your resentment build. Wanting to keep your hard earned money is perfectly reasonable. Anyone who doesn't understand this has probably never had to work for a living.

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You long to pursue your dream career but feel you have too many responsibilities to take such a risk. Before you resign yourself to a life of boredom, look for help. A relative might be able to help with childcare. A scholarship could ease your financial burden. Working abroad may give you experience. You have a lot more options than you realise. Adopting a positive attitude is essential. If you believe you can achieve victory, you will. Stop listening to your inner critic.

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It feels like you will never get a chance to use your expert knowledge. Don't be averse to accepting a low level job. This position will serve as a launching pad to bigger and better things. People don't want to take a chance on an unknown quantity. If you prove you are a diligent, capable worker, they'll give you a promotion. Besides, it will help to know how all the individual parts operate so the entire machine can function.

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Working with a team isn't very rewarding. All your good ideas keep getting negated by a stuffy pessimist. You're tired of having your name attached to mediocre work. If you want to make a splash, you should launch a solo effort. Don't talk about this project with others. Rivals are looking for ways to undermine your confidence. Flying beneath the radar will give you a chance to be creative. Your efforts will win fame and acclaim, making your enemies seethe with jealousy.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Try not to put so much emphasis on work. Having a well rounded life will create the happiness you seek. If you have grown apart from friends and family, take this opportunity to reconnect. It's important for you to have a strong social network. Yes, your skills are impressive. Unfortunately, the job market may not always be strong. When you're not able to find the work you want, you'll be able to get satisfaction from close relationships. Stop putting all your eggs into one basket.

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If you're looking for work, it will be difficult to find a position you want. Be open to accepting a steady job just to pay the bills. Although your duties won't be stimulating, they won't consume lots of emotional energy, either. This will allow you to look for a better situation in your spare time. Try to make as many contacts as possible while you're job hunting. This is one of those times when whom you know is more important than what you know.

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