
You are able to enthusiastically tackle any odd jobs or repairs in your home that you may have been putting off for some time. Once they are out of the way you can set your concentration on things that really interest you ­ and there are so many new ones you are waiting to try. A hobby or occupation you enjoyed in the past but may not have had time for lately could be just the thing ­ especially if you look at it with new eyes and give it a face-lift.

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A fortuitous meeting with someone whose interest lies in culture and art could permanently change the way you see yourself. They open your eyes to a side of life you may not have thought of exploring before, but now this interest is sparked it will have a lasting effect on you. Furthering you own knowledge on these subjects could really boost your self-esteem so why not browse in your local bookshop or library ­ you may not find exactly what you are looking for immediately, but keep on browsing and you may be pleasantly rewarded.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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There are so many lively thoughts and ideas about your personal life passing through your head that it could all become a jungle of confusion. It doesn't help that Mercury turns retrograde from early evening so take a long deep breath and think carefully about how you can give the important ones your attention and priority. If it helps write it all down ­ what you want to buy; how much you have to spend, where you want to go ­ it may take until mid-June to get it just right, but don't forget the old adage, practice makes perfect!

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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There is something in the back of your mind niggling you but you can't quite put your finger on what it is. Relax and try not to fret ­ use your powers of perception and intuition to guide you ­ they will always lead you in the right direction. Perhaps you have been looking around for pointers as to what to do next. Tried and trusted methods may have worked in the past but maybe a new approach is needed now ­ take stock of the situation and then you can safely act upon any strong hunches that you experience.

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A friend or colleague shares a secret with you but perhaps it will take some effort to keep this news to yourself. You are able to rise to the challenge and not let any snippet of information slip ­ even though you might have to bite your lip from time to time! Although you may have to keep reminding yourself of your promise, one thing is for certain ­ once you have given your word no amount of persuasion or flattery will drag it out of you.

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It doesn't matter how hard you try to put your point across the lines of communication start to become well and truly tangled as Mercury turns into a backward tail-spin until June 9th. It may take several attempts, but if you take the time to patiently explain things in as much detail as possible it will earn you the respect of your superiors and help to establish you as a reliable member of the team. After all the frustrations, turn your hand or head to anything that softens your fraught nerves.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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If your social life has been a bit lacklustre lately signing up for an evening class or two could be just the boost it needs. Friendships and romance can enter your life from some unusual places now so don't dismiss any opportunities to meet new people and expand your horizons however unconventional they may seem at first. Being given some added responsibility in your working environment is a positive sign of things to come and a welcome step up the ladder of success.

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Something you read in the paper or hear on the news could set off a series of events and lead to some major life changes. Shared finances or the resources of other people are under review, so it would be wise to read all the small print before putting your signature on any document or contract so as to avoid any difficulties arising in the future. Your partner may be acting in a way contrary to what you would like ­ could it be their way of demanding more of your undivided attention?

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A conversation you overhear could make you question the true motives of a business partner. You may have to have a serious rethink about this association at some point in the future but for the time being just keep your head down and get on with the tasks at hand. Things do have a way of sorting themselves out so try to accept the situation as it stands for the moment whilst mentally preparing yourself for some major transformations ahead. You have at least three weeks to put your life through the mental mincer and see what comes out the other side.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Have you been thinking about strengthening your commitment to your partner ­ or even popping that all-important question? Whether it is an engagement or marriage you are considering or perhaps putting your relationship on a more serious footing, don't keep it to yourself ­ talk things through and see how your partner feels about your ideas. Don't be tempted to rush straight in with your proposal but set the scene with candles soft lights and music ­ arranging the right atmosphere will show how much you really care.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Your heart craves for excitement and fresh interests ­ be adventurous ­ try something completely new and different. Changing the furniture around or sorting out the study may not be quite what you had in mind but at least it would satisfy your need for order and harmony in your home. Look to your leisure time to add that extra sparkle to your life ­ be bold and don't turn down that last minute unexpected invitation. It could revitalise your social life or even lead to a whirlwind romance.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Home and hearth is where you are at your happiest now and it is being with your family that makes you feel safe and cosy. You deserve pampering so enjoy a treat or two ­ but watch you don't overdo it or you'll pay for it later with a few extra inches on your waistline. Why not ask one of the family to discuss a domestic situation­ they may not be too enthusiastic at first, but with a little persuasion, they will soon warm to the idea and although things might not come to pass until June time at least you've set the ball rolling.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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