
You have an opportunity to win over an influential ally. In the past people have been sceptical about your contributions. They feared you were too rash and impulsive. The longer you have known each other, the more their opinion has changed. This accomplished individual now sees the merit in your pioneer spirit. Take this opportunity to make a sales pitch. Bolster your energy and enthusiasm with reliable facts. By demonstrating there is a market for your brilliant idea, you'll get their financial support.

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Slowly but surely, things are improving. A difficult work situation is getting better, mostly because a toxic colleague has left the organisation. Once you are free of this pest's negative energy, your productivity soars. It becomes easier to meet your goals and surpass expectations. Are you unemployed? A great offer is on the way. Don't worry about accepting a low-level position. Your organisational skills are so impressive that you'll quickly rise through the ranks. Give yourself a reward for having persisted through trying times.

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You're starting to see some progress after a long period of stagnation. This causes your eyes to sparkle with delight. Don't be surprised when you become a magnet for love. People are drawn to your positive energy. If you're single, you'll meet someone who makes you excited to wake up in the morning. The prospect of spending time together fills you with joy. Think about taking a trip together. You'll make excellent travelling companions, seeking new experiences at every turn. Do you have a partner? Enjoy a second honeymoon.

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Take this opportunity to rest, relax and recharge your batteries. Spending time at home gives you a chance to reassess a financial challenge. You're tired of having your self-esteem tied to your bank account. Stop beating yourself up when you fall short of your monetary goals. Think of all the people you admire who don't make a lot of money. Their impact is much greater than those who devote their entire lives to creating wealth. When you spend more time on the issues you love, your confidence will soar.

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A recent disappointment is a blessing in disguise. Don't get upset if a trip is cancelled or you receive negative feedback. This setback will help you make a course correction. Instead of being led down a blind alley, you'll be placed on the path to success. Working alongside a reserved person will be helpful. Being in their presence will demonstrate the value of taking a logical approach to problems. Instead of being overwhelmed by emotion, you'll be led by reason. At that point, it will be easier to find silver linings.

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It's time to make an important decision about your finances. If your current job doesn't pay enough, look for a better one. Court a company that is famous for treating its employees well. This organisation will find your communication skills impressive. You're very good at putting together compelling presentations that change hearts and minds. That's because you blend reliable facts with convincing emotional appeals. Practice your interviewing skills with a friend who has lots of experience hiring staff. Their advice is invaluable.

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You're about to make an important choice about a relationship. Being more assertive with your work or romantic partner is critical to your health and happiness. Although you are drawn to authoritative people, that doesn't mean you should always follow their lead. When you strongly object to a proposal or desire a change, speak up. You'll feel so much better about yourself. As an added benefit, your other half will look at you with renewed respect. If you've been longing to live or do business overseas, make your case.

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A courageous choice will pay off handsomely. You're tired of putting up with a limiting situation. Instead of accepting the status quo, move in another direction. Providing an underserved segment of the community with goods and services will be highly successful. What begins as a small side business will quickly grow into a full-time job. This will require a personal investment, as well as a few other sacrifices. Throw caution to the wind. This is your chance to make the world a better place.

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Your keen powers of observation help you to form powerful alliances. A leader who pretends to be popular is widely disliked. Their bravado is an attempt to deflect criticism. Instead of nodding and smiling at all their assertions, look at the audience. You'll notice several people with sceptical expressions. By joining forces, you'll be able to steer the organisation in a more productive direction. It's possible to salvage a promising project from poor leadership. Propose an alternative with credible people who have proven track records.

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You're in the driver's seat; take full advantage of your authority. Some people who previously held this position used to harm others. You're too smart to follow this example. By using your influence to benefit as many people as possible, you'll attract a loyal following. People will work their hardest to meet your expectations and win your approval. When your efforts generate big profits, share the wealth with the best performers. Offering prizes and incentives will yield even more fruit.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You've been making choices out of fear. Put an end to this destructive cycle. Instead of imagining the most disastrous outcome, assume everything will work in your favour. Patterning your behaviour after a relentless optimist will pay off. It's simply a matter of making a choice about how you view the Universe. Looking at the world as a hostile place will result in lost opportunities and personal betrayals. Focusing on the Earth's bounty and beauty will cultivate fulfilment in all forms: Emotional, material and spiritual.

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Breaking free of a restrictive arrangement will make your spirit soar. You're tired of taking orders from overly cautious leaders. Striking out on your own will allow you to turn a great idea into a profitable business. It will help to form a partnership with an experienced professional. Your creative talent, combined with their financial expertise, is a winning combination. Be frugal in the early stages of this enterprise. It's important to spend money in a way that will attract loyal customers from the very beginning.

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