
You've never considered yourself to be particularly domestic, but that could change today. Playing around in the kitchen could result in a fabulous recipe of your own invention. Alternatively, you may be inspired to decorate a room in a bold new way. It's even possible you'll play nursemaid to an ailing relative. However you spend the day, you can be sure it will make you aware of a nurturing side you didn't know existed.

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Leaving the comforts of home helps you to think outside of the box. Normally, you prefer to stick to the tried and tested; unfamiliar people and places make you suspicious. Today you're ready for an exciting change. Taking a short trip out of town could give you a fresh appreciation for new experiences. You may even be inspired to move to a different neighbourhood. A change of scenery can be enormously healing.

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Work related to technology and communications could make you a bundle. You've always had a knack for mastering the latest gadgets; why not profit from it? Your knowledge will enable you to name your own price. Authority figures won't understand your work, but they'll know it's vital to their operations. Therefore, you'll be given a free rein. Imagine the luxury of being able to set your own hours!

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You're starting to see that the old way of doing things is restrictive and stuffy. Why not experiment with different lifestyles and attitudes? Friends and relatives will wonder what's got into you, but even they'll admit you seem much happier. You've always been quite traditional, lamenting over the good old days. Now the future seems more interesting, and you're ready to try something new. It's as though you're shedding a worn out skin.

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You're highly experimental, especially in the bedroom; your partner could be in for a shock! Playing out your fantasies can be lots of fun, provided you introduce them in a tempting way. If your amour isn't receptive to your suggestions, ask about their sexual daydreams. They'll be more prone to act out your scenarios once you've entertained theirs. In the event you're single, you may want to court somebody who isn't your usual type.

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You need a lover who is also a friend; you can't abide a smothering romantic. If your partner isn't giving you enough breathing space, arrange to go out with a big group. This will take the pressure off your relationship. If you're single, you could meet a love interest at a large social gathering. You're especially drawn to absentminded professors who seem to have their head in the clouds. You simply adore a challenge!

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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The more unusual your duties are, the happier you will be; you can't stand boring routines. Volunteer to take on a new project or offer to run some last-minute errands. That way, nobody can impose arbitrary rules on you. Your boss admires your ability to roll with the punches, and may reward you by loosening up your schedule a bit. Take this opportunity to learn different aspects of your industry. Knowledge is power.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Encouraging your lover to follow their dreams will result in a new closeness. It's not often that couples are willing to risk security for creative fulfilment. Fortunately, you're so resourceful it's easy for you to meet your financial obligations without feeling too much of a pinch. Your cheerful philosophy is a recipe for success. Don't be surprised if you and your beloved are sitting on the top of the world in a few months.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You've always rebelled against a conventional home life, feeling it's too restrictive. Your experimental ways could pay off handsomely today, when you take in somebody who needs shelter. This person will contribute exciting energy to your household, and may even relieve you of some dreaded chores. Granted, this arrangement is quite offbeat, but it's one that suits your quirky sensibilities. Besides, it will generate all sorts of juicy gossip, making you a figure of intrigue.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A creative partnership could keep you on your toes; you may be on the phone all day. New information comes in at the speed of light, and you'll be constantly revising your original plans. Actually, this is exactly the sort of work that appeals to you most. Your leadership ability will keep the project on track, while your associate's quick thinking will make it fresh. Don't be surprised if romance enters the equation before long.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Having a steady job is overrated; you'd probably benefit from the freelance life. After all, you're extremely open-minded and adventurous. It will be no problem for you to be working in an office one day and outdoors the next. The more varied the routine, the happier you'll be. Chances are you'll make more money, too. It pays to be versatile in this uncertain economy. Take the plunge; you won't regret it.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Your refusal to be tied down could lead to an exciting learning or travel opportunity. Not many people would forgo security for adventure, but you're one of them. Don't worry about who will water your plants while you're away. Accept whatever offer is made immediately. You can work out the details later. In the meantime, you may want to take a crash course in a foreign language. It's bound to come in handy.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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