
There can be such a thing as too much family togetherness, which you're experiencing today. If Christmas is getting you down, do something nice for yourself. Soak in a hot tub, treat yourself to a makeover, or lounge around in comfortable pyjamas. You need to rest if you're going to enjoy tomorrow's festivities. Go easy on the rich foods, too. Some fresh fruits and vegetables will keep stress at bay.

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Negative worry and pessimism could be undermining your enjoyment of Christmas. Reassure yourself with comfort food and familiar rituals. Family members will be eager to join you, particularly young children. Resist any quests for perfection. Having everything go off perfectly is less important than relaxing. It's been a long while since you've had any leisure time. Take this opportunity to rest and recuperate.

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Your mind is on material matters, when it should be on spiritual concerns. Stop totting up how much money you owe, and start thinking about what you can do to make this Christmas more meaningful. Performing volunteer work or making a donation to charity will ease your anxieties. The stress you're feeling is really your conscience. Let your actions reflect the true meaning of the season; then your worries will subside.

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You're not feeling terribly confident right now, worrying that your contributions have been ignored. Engaging your mind will make you feel less self-conscious. Pick up a book you've been meaning to read, or begin a scrapbook. The more engrossed you are, the more relaxed you'll become. Your determination to stay positive will rub off on friends, family, and neighbours, who will take their cues from you.

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You may feel unusually reclusive today, choosing to cut off yourself from the rest of the world. Resist this urge at all costs, as there are many golden opportunities for you out there. The chance to earn some extra money could fall into your lap at a party, when you come across somebody who is in need of your talents. Pause to observe a spiritually uplifting ritual. It is the season of good will, after all.

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Don't worry about a friend's behaviour reflecting badly on you. Everyone will be able to draw a distinction between your attitudes and those of your pal. In the meantime, you may have a chance to expand your knowledge of a fascinating subject. Let an older person teach you a skill that may quickly become obsolete. In a very short time, you'll be grateful you learned this technique, realising how valuable it really is.

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Being too heavy-handed with others could damage your reputation. It's important to remember that, although the festive season can be stressful, it is a time for forgiveness. Taking out your anger on innocent bystanders will generate tremendous hostility. If you find yourself becoming impatient, retreat to some quiet corner. Engaging in solitary pleasures can restore your good spirits. Meditating can be especially helpful.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Try not to be too narrow-minded about somebody else's ideas about Christmas. The more accepting you are of their behaviour, the happier you both will be. Fortunately, there's lots of social activity to distract you. Going to a big party or entertaining people in your own home proves rewarding. Don't forget to wear something special, as you could run into a romantic interest this evening. Prepare to have a cherished wish granted.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Christmas makes you realise just how precious your loved ones really are. If you're worried about becoming alienated once the magic of the season ends, make an early resolution. Start setting aside an evening each week for friends, family, and neighbours - no work allowed. Further cultivating your relationships will lend a sense of contentment and satisfaction you've never experienced before. Self-improvement is all about setting the right priorities.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You may feel alone or isolated, which is not unheard of over Christmas. Instead of giving in to depression, celebrate the season. Read some Christmas stories, watch a movie set in a wintry locale, or bake some time-honoured treats. Engaging your intellect will cause your blue mood to evaporate. Don't be surprised if some friends drop in just as you're starting to get into the spirit of things. Positive energy attracts and expands.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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All the excitement that has been swirling around you could take a toll on your health. Instead of accepting an invitation to a late night party, jump into your pyjamas and turn in early. You'll want to be in top form tomorrow morning, when everyone will be relying on you to keep them entertained. If you've got a partner, you may not need to coax them into getting into bed. Your fragility is positively sexy!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Children can get on your nerves today with their over-excitement. What everybody needs is some quiet time. Invite the young ones to cuddle up with you for a nap. Not only will you all wake up refreshed and energised, but you'll remember what Christmas is really about: togetherness! A generous offer of help to a close friend may be the best present they'll ever receive. Tune in to your environment.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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