
Love is where you find it and today you could find it where you least expect it. You're sensitive to other people's needs, particularly to those of your partner. If you're not involved in a relationship right now, one could very well begin over the New Year period. Avoid the trap of pushing things too far, too fast though. Although your impatience is legendary, it would serve you better to savour the opening stages of a courtship, rather than rushing into a full-fledged commitment in the earliest days.

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Welcome in 2003 with gusto and that means starting your celebrations from this day on. Usually, you don't like to be shaken from your position of security, but today, you welcome a challenge. Beware that you don't overdo it though, especially with regard to household duties. If you feel like you're in over your head, you may want to hire somebody to straighten up the place, at least while you're busy with other duties. You can do it all, but at a price. Don't jeopardise your health and well-being.

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A career chance or professional breakthrough is much closer than you think. Although you don't want to be in a position that gives you high visibility, you do want to be useful. Performing mundane but necessary tasks gives you an opportunity to help neighbours in a way that will make you popular. Don't fall into the trap of refusing to do work that is outside of your traditional realm. You're smart enough to pick up new tasks, and quick enough to perform them in record time.

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Someone is about to offer you a chance to express your creative talents so don't think twice! Although your shy nature makes it hard for you to display your work in public this chance is just too good to be true. Stop worrying about what others will think of your skills and work to please yourself. Getting into the swing with a wee bit of music or dance whilst you go about your job will cause your self-consciousness to slip allowing you to really let go and show folk what you're made of.

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Looking good makes you feel like a million dollars so welcome 2003 in with a new image. A healthy diet and regular exercise routine can put you back in good spirits. Beware of overindulging in sugary or starchy snacks as they can deplete you of valuable energy. You'll also find that you are far less moody when you work out at times to suit you. Some may scoff at your efforts to stay in top condition, but pay no attention. Anyone with your initiative is bound to incur the wrath of couch potatoes!

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Your love life has an oomph about it that makes you the hottest thing on two pins! Your thirst for knowledge could draw romance your way. It doesn't matter if you're attached or not; folks are bound to respond to your earthy sensuality. Admit it: it's gratifying to be admired! Too often, you're prone to take a modest attitude, underplaying your attributes and accomplishments. Why not bask in the compliments today? Your ego will receive a much-needed boost. If there's anybody who should be proud, it's you.

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A new broom sweeps clean and that is the ideal way to greet the new year by shaping up your life. Maintaining an orderly lifestyle makes you feel more secure about your place in the world. You hate being out of control in your own space as it can leave you naked and exposed. Take this opportunity to straighten up your environment. Throw out any old, outdated papers, and organise the relevant ones in a way that will allow you easy access to them. Once your mission is complete, treat yourself to a luxurious soak in a bubble-filled bathtub.

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Pride goeth before a fall so don't soldier on when there are people paid to relieve you of angst. Busying yourself with small tasks helps you take your mind off of larger responsibilities as you feel as though you've got the weight of the world on your shoulders. If you're starting to buckle beneath the pressure, make a public appeal for help. This is harder for you than it is for most people, because you pride yourself on self-reliance. However, in this situation you are perfectly justified in demanding assistance. Don't feel pressured into relieving an irresponsible friend of duties.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You need to know where you stand re a decision or choice as time is rapidly running out. You have many worthy ideas but hesitate to put them to the test for fear of ridicule. Getting to grips with these concepts in private is all well and good, but eventually you'll have to run them across people who are in a position to help you. Resist the urge to be called away on a Hogmanay jaunt; you have far more important tasks to occupy your time. Never fear; there will be plenty of days to play in 2003.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Enjoying the atmosphere of a club, group or outing will bring out the best in you. You radiate so much warmth and loveliness and enjoy the company of friends. It's rare to find you in such a carefree mood; usually, your mind is preoccupied with more serious fare. Today be determined to take time out; being with a gang of like minded folks will be good for your morale and spirits. Let any guilt stay where it is firmly locked up in the mind's of others.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Be with people where dependency in any shape or form doesn't spoil what you've got going for you. Skulking behind-the-scenes gives you a welcome chance to feel of service and use. Relationship matters overextend and exhaust you; it's nice to have a diversion. If your partner is making too many demands on you then you must speak or forever hold you peace. This could cause a momentary rift, but it's better than letting resentments seethe. If you don't have a partner then stick to folks you know.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Has it occurred to you that you're stuck in a rut and need to expand your horizons come 2003? You're able to soak up information like a sponge, which makes you an articulate conversationalist. An engrossing talk could cause you to forget what you should be doing so if you catch yourself falling behind, alert those who will be affected immediately to give them a chance to make alternate arrangements plus you the opportunity to avoid severe criticism. Sometimes it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day for you and today there isn't.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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