
Don't place too much emphasis on the physical component of an intimate relationship. If you want to keep your love alive, you should spend quality time together, talking and making plans. Your partner will let down their defences when you express interest in their thoughts and dreams. Resist the urge to discourage any ideas that seem wild or risky. You're not the only one who has a right to go out on a limb. Allow your loved one to be the irresponsible one for a change.

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Sticking with a troubled relationship is worth the time and aggravation. The two of you disagree on many issues, but not on your feelings for one another. Put your heads together and find a way to overcome your difficulties surrounding finances and intimacy. A compromise is essential. One of you might have to put career aspirations aside for the sake of your union. Draw up a timetable for your plan of action. That way, you'll have a sense of shared responsibility.

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Taking better care of yourself is important. You have a lot of exciting goals but won't be able to meet them if you are exhausted. Nourishing meals, brisk exercise and plenty of sleep are critical. If this means spending less time on housework or petty chores, so be it. There are more important things than having a pristine house or ironed shirts. When you feel too tired to move on, lie down and take a nap. You'll wake feeling refreshed, able to handle any challenge that comes your way.

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Stop downplaying your creative powers. Developing your talents will be rewarding. You simply cannot go from home to work and back again and be satisfied. You should have projects entirely unrelated to personal and financial responsibilities. Making time for fun will make you excited about the future. It will also make your responsibilities seem less burdensome. Don't be surprised if you become the centre of romantic interest. You're very attractive when you exercise your imagination.

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Take care of your own emotional needs, instead of expecting others to do this for you. If you crave a certain kind of comfort food that nobody else enjoys, treat yourself to a trip to your favourite restaurant. Do you long to go skiing when everybody else wants to go to the beach? Book a solo trip. Does your idea of a great night involve glitz and glamour? Put on your spraunciest clothes and head to a nightclub. You don't need anyone to accompany you to have fun.

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Make more time for intellectual pursuits. You've always insisted on completing work before having fun, but has this become a serious problem? Other colleagues and relatives have started to dump their chores onto your plate, knowing you are too conscientious to neglect them. Stop allowing these abuses. Set firm perimeters about what you will and won't do. Be willing to let a few jobs fall through the cracks. When people realise you won't cover their tracks, they'll look for a new victim.

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Don't put too much importance on material success. You have a deep appreciation for beauty. Indulging these interests doesn't have to be expensive. Visit museums on free admission days. Check out books on painting from the local library. Tune the radio to a station that plays classical music. By making an effort to integrate art into your daily life, your desire for material goods will subside. Soon, overwhelming urges to shop will fall by the wayside. Contentment levels rise, along with your savings.

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You won't get much guidance with an important project. This fills you with fear, but your anxiety is unfounded. You'll make good choices if you don't second guess yourself. Stop entertaining the worst case scenario. Assume everything will go fine. If anyone challenges your authority, put them in their place. You can be very intimidating when provoked. This is one of those situations where it is better to be feared than liked. When people realise you mean business, they'll scurry to impress you.

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You are filled with anxiety about changes to your community. The prospect of relocating worries you. Instead of dwelling on your fears, wait for facts to arrive. There's no point wasting valuable emotional energy on something that might not happen. If you don't keep your anxieties at bay, you might pick on an innocent bystander and you'll need to apologise. Don't alienate those who have been loyal and helpful. These could be the people who help you find a better living arrangement.

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A self centred attitude is undermining some friendships. While it's understandable you have been preoccupied with career concerns, this doesn't give you license to ignore everyone else. Take this opportunity to spend quality time with your nearest and dearest. Instead of talking about your own exploits, enquire after their hopes and dreams. It may take a few attempts to regain their trust. Don't give up. You can't burn bridges in your social life.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Pursuing career success to the exclusion of your health is a bad idea. You're not the type who can thrive on work alone. You require outside pursuits to stay balanced. When you don't make time for games, reading and sports, you wilt like a plant that hasn't been watered for weeks. Cut back your office hours, even if it means losing income or disappointing your boss. If you're unhappy in your current line of work, find a more rewarding field. Transitions aren't easy, but sometimes necessary.

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Going against your principles will backfire spectacularly. Accepting business that goes against your moral code will only multiply your problems. You're better off taking a second job to make ends meet. Choose something that won't require a lot of emotional investment. There's nothing wrong with doing drudge work as a means to pay the bills. The kinds of assignment you truly desire will arrive sooner than you think. In the meantime, stay positive and be creative about juggling the budget.

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