
This morning you're in a state of high anxiety so wait until this afternoon before doing anything. Then you're in a highly romantic frame of mind much preferring fantasy to reality. It's easy to look past your lover's shortcomings; in fact, you're prone to gush over their mistakes. If you're not in a relationship, beware of a tendency to be attracted to anyone that breathes. What seems like a breathtaking encounter this evening could seem like a terrible mistake by tomorrow morning. You have been warned!

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Leave anything contentious until another day or you'll end up getting more confused than ever. It's almost impossible to find the cooperation you desperately need. Everybody is focused on doing their own thing, even if it means leaving loved ones in the dust. You can enact a powerful transformation by telling someone just what you think of their selfish behaviour. You're tired of doing the work of ten people all the time. By demanding the help you deserve, you'll win the respect you deserve.

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Don't believe anything you see or hear this morning as you'll discover the truth by tonight. You're determined to make changes to a close relationship even if it means causing a scene. Being charming hasn't worked so far, so maybe it's better to act more assertively. At first, your partner may express surprise and disdain at your behaviour. By reminding this person of their part in the equation you could put an end to their own indifference forever more. Assert your iron will.

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Money is at the root of all hassles today so take it easy or you may make accusations that are baseless. If you value your health and well-being, you'll put an end to a loveless relationship today. You're tired of being sapped of time, energy, and resources whenever certain people have a crisis. Whilst it's nice to be of service to those in need, there is a limit to even your generosity. Until you break away from these people, it may be impossible for you to form relationships with folks who can give as well as receive.

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A secret is at the source of guilt or pain in a love affair, isn't it time to make amends - like this evening? A creative breakthrough could come as a result of some painful subconscious memories. If you find yourself tensing up in a certain situation, don't panic. Instead, sit still and analyse why you're feeling this way. It could be because the people involved remind you of a disagreeable person from your past. Take this as a sign that it's time to work through your pain. Actively involving yourself in the arts can be tremendously healing.

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Delve into your dreams to find the answer to a problem that's mystified you to the point of puzzlement. A desire to improve your life conditions means making fundamental changes to your routine. Going to bed earlier, preparing healthy meals, and engaging in spiritual pursuits are all ways you can achieve a more balanced lifestyle. Lately, it seems like all your time has been taken up with being duty bound. Let your life be about something deeper than work.

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A friend is on the point of betraying you or being disloyal so don't get stabbed in the back by this deceiver. Spending more time on the subjects that interest you will cause unwanted tasks to fall away. Lately, you've been engaged in activities that are designed to impress other people. Unfortunately, these pursuits don't give you any joy. Make a list of three things that truly inspire you, and devote a little time each day to one or more of these subjects. This simple exercise will prove empowering.

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Promises won't be kept today whether it's yours or somebody elses there are no guarantees in life. Be warned of selling your soul as a means to make money. Performing on a level that speaks to you emotionally and spiritually can result in an impressive career metamorphosis. True, you may have to struggle with finances in the early stages, but the satisfaction you'll gain from a meaningful mission will be worth it. Turn a deaf ear to anxious types who think that you're bound to fail by pursuing your heart's desire.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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A journey won't turn out as you'd expected, it will either be better or worse. You've been concentrating on one thing so much so that you've forgotten it takes a lot more to bring total satisfaction. Today presents you with a welcome chance to break away from constrictions that have demanded every ounce of your attention. Spending time on a favourite hobby will inspire you in other areas too. As the evening gathers pace so will your sexual desires as you go into overdrive.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Someone plays on your prejudices but before fall into the trap - is it because you fear what you don't know? Overcoming negative emotional patterns should be the first order of business today. Lately, you've been under the mistaken belief that you owe everybody something. The problem is, you're not considering the many kindnesses and favours you perform on a daily basis. Stop undervaluing your contributions and give yourself positive reinforcement. A reflective few moments can lead to startling revelations.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're hiding something but whatever it is confront it before you stray further off the straight and narrow. Asking a partner to acknowledge your contributions will result in surprising changes. Although you don't consider yourself to be an especially needy person, you do want to be recognised for all of your achievements. Sometimes you're afraid that you'll spoil the relationship by voicing complaints. However, you'll do more damage by letting your resentments build up inside you. It's time for a heart-to-heart.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Take it easy today, sleep is of the essence and you must relax or you'll end up the worse for wear. Changing the way people treat you is essential to your self-esteem. You've always prided yourself on being a cooperative, adaptable person. Unfortunately this can sometimes have the effect of people taking you for granted. Feel free to exercise your ego, especially if your colleagues are trying to give you more than your fair share of work or duty. It's nice that folks think that you're capable, but you deserve leisure time just like everyone else.

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