
Your efforts could be overlooked today, causing that notorious temper of yours to rise. Before throwing a tantrum, count to ten. Devise a way that you can express your disappointment to the offending figures without damaging your reputation. It's would be wise to put your thoughts in writing before having a face-to-face meeting. That way, you can ask someone with a cooler head to review these comments, and tone down the saltier parts.

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A failed romance plays on your mind, making it hard to move forward with your life: get over it. Make a symbolic gesture that the relationship is over. Get rid of any items or reminders of the person in question. This will give your subconscious the message that it's time to let go of the past. Above all, resist the urge to contact the object of your affection. You need to focus on your own healing both psychologically and emotionally.

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It's hard for you to separate fact from fiction, especially where love is concerned. Try not to jump to conclusions, even if you think all the evidence is in. Angry accusations could irreparably damage your bond with the person in question. It's better to hold back a little, and watch how your friend or affair behaves. Your emotions are much too overheated now to make a rational decision or judgement; remember your objectivity, it will help get things in perspective.

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You're overly sensitive today, which makes it easy to misinterpret people's remarks. Before taking offence, adopt an analytical pose. Take a walk, get on with a physical job in fact do anything to dispel the inexplicable rage that wells up inside you. These feelings are probably holdovers from problems in your personal life. Taking out your anger on colleagues will only make you feel worse. If you do lash out at somebody, apologise immediately, don't let the sun go down on a row.

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You are not doing enough to capitalise on your abilities, so why blame others? This is one of those times when you have to make your own luck; they won't just fall in your lap. Curtail social engagements and leisure pursuits for the sake of self-promotion. Whilst you'd rather let your talent speak for itself that just isn't possible right now. Fortunately, you have a magnetic personality that commands attention. Pitch your ideas to an audience and see what bobs up.

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Are loved ones trying to manipulate you? You better your bottom dollar they are! And though your anger may be justified, you still need to do something about it. Confront family members or anyone who is pressing your guilt buttons. Otherwise, they will continue to wheedle, cajole and nag you into doing something that you don't want to do. It's one thing to be loyal to your clan but it's another to let them push you around. Stand up for yourself.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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You're reading far more into a situation than is actually there. Suspend whatever judgments you have before talks begin, that way, you won't be disappointed if matters don't live up to expectations. One problem is that recently you've made yourself unavailable or inaccessible to people around you. If you'd been more upfront, you'd have a better feel for the prevailing attitudes in your social circle. Focus on circulating and networking so no-one can misrepresent you or your interests.

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One of the fastest ways to make enemies is to project an air of moral superiority, so don't! If someone's behaviour offends you, try to examine your feelings. It's possible this person is acting out your own desires, ones that you've been fighting to suppress. Maybe this is a sign that you have to own up to how you feel. It's a lot healthier to do that rather than to judge other people who, after all is said and done, are a cloned reflection of you anyway.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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When doing your bit to help others do it in your unique way and refuse to follow the flock. Before deciding to pitch in with a problem, ask yourself if you have the time and inclination to get involved and whether you truly believe in it. The answer could very well be "no." If that's the case, stand aside and do your own thing. You can't be at everybody's beck and call all the time.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You're about to be faced with evidence that runs contrary to your fundamental beliefs. How will you react? Although you pride yourself on being as unshakable as a rock, there are times in life when you need to amend your views. If you don't, you could become so rigid as to be intolerable. Remember that human beings are ever growing and evolving. As such, it's only natural that you move with the times, if only in small increments.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You are so wrapped up in your own concerns that you forget the needs of a loved one. Jar yourself out of this reverie and reach out to someone who is close to your heart. You may be stunned to realise that your friend or partner has been suffering from some serious problems. Remedy the situation by showing you care. Do something that only you know will please them.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Letting go of grandiose expectations is the only way to cure your heartache. You do have a tendency to get carried away by your own flights of fantasy. If today's situation proves that you've had your head in the clouds, so be it. That doesn't mean you can't form more realistic goals. Try taking a step-by-step approach this time around. Success rarely arrives overnight; it's usually a gradual process. Start building your Rome'.

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