
There are more important things than commanding the spotlight. Being on equal footing with someone who loves you is far more rewarding. People at work are invested in boosting your ego. Your friends and relatives aren't under this obligation. When they are unhappy with your behaviour, they will say so. This is a gift, not a burden. Be open to constructive criticism from loved ones. Don't insist on doing things your way all the time. By treating them with respect, you'll keep your ego in check.

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You're intent on doing things your way. The crowd is against you. It's better to give in graciously than act like a dictator. You'll be pleasantly surprised with how well things go. That's because you underestimated the abilities of your colleagues. Once you realise how gifted they are, you'll be more prone to listen to their advice. If you've been looking for work, it will be difficult to land a position. You'll have to improve your skill set to land a better paid position.

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Jealousy will rear its ugly head. You're a free spirit who doesn't like being reined in by a controlling partner. If you're tired of constant surveillance, break things off. You deserve to be with someone who trusts you. If you've gone overboard with flirting, rein it in. It isn't respectful. Make more of an effort to honour your love. When you put your alliance at the top of your list of priorities, romance will flourish. Are you single? Don't feel pressured to date if you're not ready.

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A power struggle is coming; resistance is futile. If your amour has been opposing a career move, you have an important decision to make. What is more important: Your relationship or your job? Think carefully before you answer. If you're dealing with someone who is threatened by your success, you should pursue your dream position. Are you with a loving person who has been neglected? Stop erring on the side of work. Channel your energy back into your partnership.

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Getting bogged down in petty details will result in a lost opportunity. Keep the big picture in mind at all times. When you encounter obstacles, don't panic. You'll find a way around these obstructions when you stay positive. Relatives and neighbours will be quick to declare defeat. Turn a deaf ear to these gloomy predictions. You've spun straw into gold in the past. It will happen again, as long as you envision yourself as victorious. If you can conceive it, you can achieve it.

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It will be difficult to resist the charm of an alluring person. Instead of following your heart, listen to your brain. The last thing you want is to get involved with someone who is incapable of love. If you're in a serious relationship, don't jeopardise it for the sake of an exciting fling. Even if your partner doesn't discover your betrayal, it will make you feel terrible. Stay out of the path of temptation. Keeping busy with chores will be a welcome diversion from physical desire.

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Childhood pain is being conjured. Prepare to cope with some upsetting memories. Someone who mistreated you is affecting your outlook. Instead of giving them continual power, make a fresh start. Surround yourself with people who love and admire you. Whenever you hear the voice of your bully, recite affirmations. Listen to uplifting music. Read inspiring quotes. Reprogram your brain as you would a computer. If you're still in contact with your tormentor, it's time to end this relationship.

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Trying to maintain control of a wild situation is pointless. It's better to let the chips fall where they may. Once the dust settles, you can formulate a plan for achieving independence. It will take time for the excitement to die down, so be patient. Make it your mission to do what's expected of you; don't do any more or less than required. You won't be able to win the approval of those who can further your hopes and ambitions. Fly beneath the radar for the time being.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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Be more discerning about the company you keep. Friends who are always giving backhanded compliments and relatives that denigrate your accomplishments have no place in your social circle. Don't feel compelled to return calls and emails when you're dealing with someone who makes you miserable. You have an opportunity to build a truly supportive social network. Give your time and attention to those who make you feel happy, appreciated and admired.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Working around the clock is becoming a game of diminishing returns. It's time to enjoy the fruits of your labour, even at the risk of angering your employer. Taking a prolonged holiday will be enlightening. Once you detach from the office, you'll be able to get a better sense of what you need to thrive. Spending more time with family, enjoying the pleasures of nature and devoting more energy to creative projects will cultivate happiness. Don't be afraid to turn down a promotion.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're not sure if you have taken the right path. Instead of panicking, slow down and be receptive. Even if you've made a mistake, you will learn from this error. Stop listening to your inner critic. Tune into your heart instead. Someone who was misjudged could become a good friend. Conversely, a person you once admired will be shown to have feet of clay. The sooner you recognise the error of your ways, the faster you will be able to benefit from this realisation.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Someone is using you to get ahead. Be wary about the company you keep. You won't be able to stay away entirely from colleagues, neighbours and team members. That's why you should be on the alert when you're in mixed company. Volunteer nothing about your personal life. If someone asks a direct question, give them a mysterious smile in response. Tell your inquisitor you prefer not to answer when they press. Putting your cards on the table will give them an unwanted advantage.

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