
Your subconscious is warning you against taking a risk. Stop listening to this fear mongering and take the plunge. Admit a crush, apply for a job or make a bold proposal. The worst that can happen is you will be turned down. You've faced far greater disappointments. Your communication skills are very strong so there is a good chance you can convince someone to grant your request. The secret to your success is sincerity. People admire your willingness to wear your heart on your sleeve.

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A friend who has been draining you emotionally needs to be kept at arm's length. Spend your free time on solitary pursuits that bring you pleasure. Curl up with a good book, try a beauty treatment or soak in a scented bath. A little luxurious pampering will renew your zest for life. Surprising news about a family member could reach your ears. It's a relief to know this relative has options you didn't know existed. A big celebration is merited. Invite everyone over to your place.

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Be realistic about your career prospects. This isn't a good time to jump ship or switch industries. If you need a distraction from work, spend more time with friends. Plan a group outing with your favourite people. You may get drawn into a conversation that makes you think differently about your job. It's natural for a restless person like you to get easily bored. The challenge is to find a way to stay engaged with these duties. Be open to unusual coping strategies.

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Resist the temptation to trust someone on faith. A little research into their background will reveal some troubling information. It will be better to tackle an important job yourself. You don't want sensitive information and valuable materials falling into the wrong hands. You'll do such a good job with this project that you'll be given even more work. This could be a golden opportunity to launch your own business. Venture into the unknown; you're due for an adventure.

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Don't let anyone else manage your money. You are the only one who will protect your interests to the fullest. If someone has been abusing a joint account, move your portion to a separate fund that can't be accessed by anyone else. You can't play around with your financial security. An exciting travel opportunity is in the cards. Exploring a country that has fascinated you since childhood will be a welcome diversion from all these financial headaches.

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You won't get much sympathy from your best friend or romantic partner. They think you've created a serious problem yourself. What's worse is they are probably right. Instead of dwelling on your misfortune, turn over a new leaf. Break away from a toxic situation. Spend more time on your favourite activities, even if you have to do so alone. Taking up a sport, hobby or intellectual pursuit will be intimidating but fun. If friends mock these pursuits, ignore them. You don't need anyone's approval.

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Pay more attention to your health. Weighing down your system with lots of sugar, fat and alcohol can be disastrous. It's fine to enjoy an occasional treat, but the majority of your diet should consist of lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains. Fortunately, your best friend or romantic partner can keep you accountable. When you do enjoy a decadent dessert, ask for two forks so you can enjoy the experience together. There's nothing like doubling your pleasure.

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Be honest about a romantic relationship. If your partner isn't giving you the respect and attention you deserve, move on. You're too wonderful to settle for second best. Are you in a committed partnership? You and your amour should have a discussion about your individual needs. One of you is considerably more sensual than the other. Unless their desires are met, the relationship will fall by the wayside. Devise ways to stay physically connected. It's critical to the health of your union.

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Burying your head in the sand will only work for a short time. If you're facing a problem with your amour, it must be addressed. Invite your partner out for coffee to discuss the problems. It will be easier to talk productively when you're both on neutral ground. Being more spontaneous can relieve some of the boredom that has set in. Go on an impromptu trip or do some experimenting in the bedroom. Let instinct be your guide.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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A creative block is driving you to distraction. Stop trying to force ideas to come. Turn your attention to a boring chore. Distracting your conscious mind will allow your subconscious to flourish. In the middle of folding laundry or mopping the floor, you'll suddenly discover the solution to your problem. Stop what you're doing and jot down this concept on a piece of paper. One idea will lead to another and pretty soon you will be up and running again.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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It's important to take a close look at your finances. Careful checks on your bank accounts on a regular basis will help you guard against fraud. If you're not sure where your money is going, keep a record of your expenditures. After reviewing all these purchases, you'll find key areas where you can make savings. You work hard for your money; use it for things that bring long term pleasure so don't squander it on the unnecessary things of life.

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You won't get much support from family. Your relatives think your plans are unrealistic and might even mock your plans. Instead of getting discouraged, strengthen your resolve. You will have a tremendous breakthrough thanks to sheer willpower. Financing from a surprising source will make your confidence soar. Someone who worked with you in the past admires your ingenuity. Stop standing around and put your plans into action. Use your success as a springboard to even better assignments.

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