
You're intent on doing things your way, even if it means stepping on somebody's toes. In the past, you were willing to go with the flow, even when you disagreed with the game plan. Now you see how much time and money such an attitude has cost. Unlike most members of your team, you're very resourceful. You know how to deliver projects on time and under budget. If somebody has a problem with your methods, they'll be too afraid to tell you.

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People are drawn to you like bees to a flower and it's because you're such a good conversationalist. Somehow, you're able to find common ground with everyone you meet. If you hit a dead end, you can always ask a newcomer all sorts of questions about their background, tastes, and hobbies. People love talking about themselves with an interested party. If you're single, you could meet someone special at a bakery, school, or property viewing.

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An ability to detect people's hidden motives gives you an edge on the competition. A colleague who has been sending mixed signals is really trying to intimidate you. By remaining cool in the face of their power plays, you'll gain the upper hand. Don't back down if this pest threatens to badmouth you. Your stellar reputation can't be marred by idle gossip. Continue to do your job and don't look for anyone else's approval. Everybody knows who the superior worker is.

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You'll be able to make money from your creative efforts. The key is to present them in an attractive way. If you're shy about promoting your own talent, enlist the aid of a charming Libra who has impressive sales experience. With their help, you can get an audience with an impressive gallery owner, agent, or manager. By getting the right representation, you'll gain a big following. Pretty soon, you'll be able to quit your day job and devote all of your energy to music, art, dance, or theatre.

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Spending more time at home provides much relief. You're tired of having to put on a false face for the outside world. When you're with your nearest and dearest, you know you can make certain jokes without being misunderstood. It's also easy to get your needs met. Relatives know you need lots of praise and encouragement. They don't hesitate to give compliments when you've done a good job. This encouragement prompts you to work hard to make your home warm and welcoming.

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Obey the temptation to slip away from the madding crowd as you're tired of being on call. Recently, neighbours and relatives have become overly dependent on you. You're fed up of being expected to help them with the simplest tasks. Fortunately, you have a lovely opportunity to visit a glamorous getaway. Take this opportunity to dress up, have fun, and meet new people. Pretty soon, the weight that has been heaped on your shoulders will magically dissolve. What a relief!

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Use your charms to change an outmoded institution. You're a big believer that everything in life should either be useful or beautiful. If an inefficient or ugly environment is driving you crazy, do something to change it. Enlist the aid of a prominent civic organisation. At first, the powers that be will be sceptical of your plan. The longer you flirt, joke, and cajole the greater progress you will make. It's only a matter of time before you've got these people wrapped around your little finger.

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You're tired of being passed over for promotions but part of the problem is you dislike drawing attention to yourself. You'd rather stay in the shadows, where you can operate undisturbed. As a general rule, this approach works well for you, but it does have its drawbacks. For one thing, certain authority figures are unaware of your contributions. They just assume the organisation works seamlessly. By highlighting your contributions, the powers that be will realise just how valuable you really are.

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You long for a new adventure and taking a holiday to a gorgeous island or result is just what the doctor ordered. Fortunately, you can find some great deals with a little research. Travelling off season can result in a tremendous savings. Alternatively, you might decide to rent someone's home, rather than staying in a costly hotel. You'll be able to find lots of options through the Internet. A well travelled friend will also give you some valuable pointers on saving money.

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Healthy self respect causes others to defer to you. If you've been in a troubled relationship, assert your needs now, and don't back down. Your partner needs to know you won't tolerate outrageous behaviour. Catering to their needs at the expense of everyone else's is wrong. Stand up for a vulnerable child, friend, or neighbour who has been suffering from your amour's narcissistic behaviour. It takes a strong advocate like you to correct dysfunctional dynamics.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You're torn between doing the responsible thing and throwing caution to the wind. Whilst it's admirable you're so protective of a loved one, your concern can be smothering. Encourage your friend to take a risk, even if it could lead to a financial loss or personal disappointment. The best things in life require an element of sacrifice. It's better to be let down than always wonder what might have been. Besides, there is a very good chance your friend will succeed.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Although you don't like being held to a routine, it is sometimes good to follow one. Lately, you've been letting a lot of jobs fall through the cracks. Make a list of everything you must do, and then start crossing off items one by one. Put time sensitive tasks at the top. Renew your license, pay your bills, and respond to urgent enquiries. If you stay focused, you'll get the majority of these duties off your desk, allowing you to enjoy a relaxing evening with loved ones.

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