
Selfish behaviour will backfire at work. It's important to think how your actions affect others. If you decide to make changes to a project, discuss them with the entire team. You may discover it will cost a tremendous amount of time and effort to make these minor alterations. If that is the case, leave well enough alone. Are you still intent on transforming this piece? Take full responsibility for a missed deadline or increased costs. Don't let others think your colleagues were being casual or careless.

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Someone will ask you to keep a dark secret. There's no reason you should agree to this arrangement, especially if it bothers your conscience. Although you love and admire your friend, you have no intention of supporting their bad behaviour. Explain how you feel about being put in such a position. An argument will break out, but it can't be helped. It's better to be honest about your feelings than uphold a terrible charade. Innocent people will be hurt by this deception.

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Stop trying to impress your social circle. Seek to satisfy yourself instead. Having an impeccable appearance or lots of luxuries is nice, but it doesn't really further your ambition. Spend more time writing, composing music or creating designs. Catch up on your reading. Learn a foreign language. Devote your energy to the things that make life meaningful to you. Taking a series of short trips will make you realise there are more important things than money and status.

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An attitude of entitlement will backfire. Instead of respecting you for being a great delegator, people will think you're just being lazy. Stop demanding underlings do small tasks you can easily perform yourself. Show your appreciation for those who make your job more pleasant. Buy treats for the cleaning staff or give a beautiful plant to a colleague. Your attitude of gratitude will extend to your personal life. Instead of taking your nearest and dearest for granted, you'll become more gracious and thankful.

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It won't be possible to get a break from the action. You're needed at work. Instead of dwelling on your disappointment, be the best you can at your job. When you dispatch your own responsibilities, offer to help colleagues. Go the extra mile for clients who are overwhelmed. Ask your employer what else needs to be done. Your willingness to put your personal desires aside for the sake of the group will be rewarded. Keeping busy will also make time go faster.

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If someone doesn't return your affection, back away. Pressing the issue will make the object of your affection feel threatened. You deserve to be loved by someone who appreciates your intelligence, taste and skill. Instead of searching for love, focus on activities that bring you pleasure. Then, when you least expect it, you will meet someone who is perfectly suited to you. You're extremely attractive when exercising your intellectual and creative talents.

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Constantly giving in to your best friend, romantic or business partner is making you touchy and tense. You're tired of being the one who has to relinquish their needs all the time. Make your resentment known as quickly as possible. Continuing to put a good face on the problem will seriously undermine your relationship. Your friend means well, but they're oblivious. You'll have to spell out the problem if they're ever going to change. Very few people share your ability to pick up on subtle cues.

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It will be difficult to compromise with a pushy colleague. People like this always insist on getting their way and they intend to have the last word in every argument. This is making you fed up, frustrated and furious. You're not the type who will make peace to avoid trouble. Instead, you'll confront the source of the problem until an equitable solution has been found. When that's not possible, you become vindictive. Let's hope for your enemy's sake they will treat you like a worthy opponent.

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A romantic relationship has hit a snag. You and your amour have significantly different attitudes about money. This comes as a disappointment when the bills come due. Instead of vilifying each other for being overly extravagant or cautious, devise a financial game plan. Maintaining separate bank accounts for personal expenses can be helpful. Setting goals as a couple is also wise. Do you want to buy a home together? Retire early? Travel the world?

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Be open to participating in traditions that are alien to you. Just because you were taught to do things a certain way doesn't mean others are wrong for having different practices. Being gracious isn't being disloyal. Making friends with people from other walks of life will be liberating. You'll learn healthier ways of handling problems. You'll also see yourself in another light. Traits you once considered weaknesses could be revealed as strengths. Stop putting yourself down.

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Resist the temptation to exert peer pressure on an indecisive person. You don't want to look like a bully. Although you're intent on exploring new vistas, you'll have a hard time finding a companion. Most people are too cautious to take risks. Be content with going solo. You're sure to meet some fellow adventurers along the way. Make sure to bring gifts back for the whole family. They'll be gratified to know you were thinking about them while you were away.

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This isn't a good time to be extravagant. If friends invite you on an expensive outing, decline. Explain why it's not convenient for you to spend a lot of money right now. They'll respect your wishes. There's nothing wrong with being short of cash. We've all been there before. Feeling pressured to live beyond your means will undermine your attempts to attain financial security. That's why it's important to be honest about your situation, instead of pretending to be richer than you really are.

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