
Don't gamble with your security. Although you long for excitement, it isn't wise to throw money away. A hefty investment will result in a big loss. Taking out a second mortgage will force you to work harder than ever. Buying an expensive gift for someone sexy will be serious cause for regret. Keep your hard earned cash in the bank, where it belongs. If you want a change of pace, trade duties with your romantic or business partner. This role reversal will be illuminating.

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There is a time to work and a time to play. Just because you have a comfortable financial cushion does not mean you can neglect your duties. If you promised to deliver a job by a certain time, do everything in your power to meet this deadline. People are relying on you. Tearing yourself away from a pleasurable activity will be difficult, but it's better than ruining your reputation. Once you finish your project, you'll have even more fun spending time on your favourite hobby or person.

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You're being asked to do more work than is reasonable. Don't be afraid to challenge people who expect or demand too much. They'll either have to hire additional staff or increase wages to accomplish their goals. You're not about to perform two jobs for one salary. Some of your peers will be astonished by your refusal to toe the line. Once they see how effective this method is, they will join your cause. The machine won't work without people to operate it.

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You realise a business venture isn't as successful as you had hoped it would be. It will be better to end this association as quickly as possible. The owners of this enterprise will be angered by your decision, it can't be helped. Your first priority is to your own financial health. You can't continue throwing good money after bad. Announce your decision and make for greener pastures. Look at the bright side. Although your losses are regrettable, at least they won't continue.

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There are more sources of income available than you realise. If you can't pay a big bill, look into getting a grant, loan or scholarship. Alternatively, an affluent friend may be willing to sponsor you. It's difficult for a proud person like you to ask for help. Until you can make yourself vulnerable like this, you will always struggle with relationships. Put foolish pride aside for the sake of personal advancement. You'll be able to repay a benefactor or help someone else sooner than you think.

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You're wary about adopting an optimistic attitude. Although things have been getting better on the financial front, you're not out of the woods yet. Instead of wasting more time on fear, stay busy with a hobby that gives you pleasure. Whether you're baking a cake or sanding some furniture or sewing clothes, you'll benefit from a fun diversion. By the time you finish your project, you'll get exciting news about a job. Make sure to celebrate with friends who have helped you through the lean times.

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Becoming more generous with your resources will make you more confident. That's because sharing your wealth gives you a feeling of prosperity. When you see you are able to help those less fortunate, your self-esteem grows. It doesn't matter whether you donate serviceable goods to an organised charity or throw a few coins into a fundraising tin, you will feel better for it. A relative who thinks you are too tender hearted will mock your philanthropic ways. Ignore this negative feedback.

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Settling for anything less than the best will cause a setback. Your reputation is on the line here. If you're not happy with the way things are going, hold a meeting. Explain what is at stake and propose ways to improve what you have. Some people will accuse you of wasting your time, but most will agree that it's better to submit a flawless piece of work. You will have to work with a reduced staff, but this will be a blessing in disguise. Fewer people means less arguing.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You have too many things on your plate. It's time to take a break, even if it means losing money. By stepping away from a crushing load of work, you'll give your system a chance to recover. Suddenly, it won't seem so important to earn a particular amount each week. You'll be more open to stretching your existing resources. Furthermore, you'll take more time for inexpensive pleasures. It doesn't cost anything to spend the day with a good friend who makes you laugh.

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Worrying about money is driving economic opportunity from your door. It's time to cultivate a prosperity consciousness. If you feel secure, you'll easily find the paying jobs you want. Dress well, hold your head high and make a small donation to charity. There are other people in the world who are in much worse financial straits. By blessing your circumstances, you will improve them. It also helps to be kind and generous with everyone you meet, even if it's just offering an encouraging smile.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You feel like a fish out of water. Instead of trying to do the best you can with limited knowledge, ask for training. Your boss will try to convince you to learn a job as you go, but that simply isn't working for you. In order to perform well, you have to be taught. Hold your ground and don't let your superior wave you away. Unless they're able to give you the support you need, you won't be able to remain in their employ.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Work has become boring. The only person who can improve this situation is you. Pursuing a more stimulating line of work requires an act of courage. You may have to get an advanced degree, take a pay cut or move to another town. Stirring things up is better than remaining stuck. Friends won't be very supportive of your decision. That's because it will disrupt a predictable routine that serves them well. Stop worrying what others will think and follow your heart.

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