
It's a good idea to yield the spotlight to someone else. As a Fire sign, you have a naturally dynamic personality. That prompts you to attract the lion's share of attention. By showcasing a shy friend's accomplishments, you'll strike a better balance in your relationship. It's hard living in your shadow. There's more than enough fame to go away. You might even be relieved to escape the public's scrutiny for a while. Take a break and enjoy somebody else's star power.

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Stop worrying about the future; it will take care of itself. Instead, focus on enjoying the present moment. Although you've experienced a lot of stress, you can use it to your advantage. Pouring your anxieties into a creative project will be liberating. You've been blessed with considerable artistic talent. Use it to express your frustration with a close minded friend who is always looking at the dark side. Their approach has created nothing but misery. Take a different path.

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It's been difficult to master a skill, which is an unusual experience for you. Stop berating yourself. If you stay calm and persevere, you will also learn patience. An older colleague can be very helpful. In the past, you wrote off this fellow worker as being hopelessly old fashioned. Have you underestimated their abilities? Remember this next time you encounter an older person. In these days of technological innovations, it's easy to dismiss people who are adept at a different kind of problem solving.

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Obsessing over finances has become exhausting. Instead of dwelling over the things you lack, focus on the blessings you currently enjoy. These can include anything from nurturing relationships to an appreciation for nature to fulfilling activities. Most of our precious belongings are absolutely free. When you remember this, anxiety melts away and the resources you need come flooding in. It's an unwritten law of the Universe that we would all be wise to remember.

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You're ready to release anger that has become toxic to you. Saying goodbye to a romantic relationship that caused you great pain will be liberating. Just because you forgive someone doesn't mean you are giving them power over your life. On the contrary, you can completely break ties with someone, wish them well and move on. Don't mix with those who take advantage of your generosity. They'll just rob you of energy you can put into more productive relationships and activities.

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Stop relying on others to perform certain functions in your life. If you long for companionship, be your own best friend. Launch a solo project. Working with your hands has always given you pleasure. Making jewellery, throwing pottery or planting a garden will fill that emotional void inside. Turn a deaf ear to pessimists who think your efforts are a waste of time. They're just jealous you're doing something rewarding for yourself, instead of looking for public approval.

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Working with a group of people helps you feel less self conscious. It's a relief to operate alongside colleagues who are willing to admit their ignorance and ask for help. You're so tired of dealing with know it all types. Joining forces and combining your expertise can result in some remarkable work. Don't worry if you lack funds in the early stages. A cutting edge company will be willing to give you a grant or loan if you submit a cleverly worded business proposal. Put those diplomatic skills to work.

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Making a plan for the future is strongly advised. Getting advanced technological training will help you land better jobs. It doesn't matter if your career is related to a hi-tech sector. The important thing is to know how to operate the latest software programs, smart phones and business equipment. Investing in cutting edge trends will reflect well on you. Employers are nervous about hiring people who are mired in the past. Stop believing your opportunity to advance has passed.

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You're always determined to get to the bottom of mysteries. Maybe it's time to embrace the unknown. If you're dealing with someone who is giving you mixed signals, sit back and enjoy it. This newcomer will inject a welcome element of surprise to your life. It's hard to resist a wild rebel who is always inviting you to try strange experiences. Together, you could embark on an adventure you will never forget. Indulge your mutual love of the great outdoors.

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You're undergoing a powerful transformation and it's rather scary. As an Earth sign, you're more comfortable with routines. Change fills you with trepidation. Fortunately, your home life is undergoing some pleasant transitions. Adding a member to your household is unexpectedly thrilling. Their joyful spirit causes you to look at life from a more upbeat perspective. Your social life could take a hit, because it will take time and effort to get used to this new situation. Ask your loved ones to be patient.

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You don't need anyone to make you feel complete. This is very intimidating to others who yearn for a relationship. While they're busy looking for love, you're content to go solo. Even if you're in a relationship, you give your partner plenty of freedom. Taking separate holidays and having your own groups of friends actually enhances your bond. You're the type who needs lots of intellectual stimulation. It's easier to get this when you and your amour have separate experiences to share.

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If you don't achieve perfection, stay calm. It takes time and practice to master a skill. Even when you've achieved expert status, you are still prone to making mistakes. That's all part of the process of being an artist. A bonus or raise is coming your way, throwing you for a loop. All this time you thought you were failing, when actually the opposite is true. A stuffy organisation may not accept you as a member. Wear this as a badge of honour.

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