
Romantic desires could be thwarted; if someone seems immune to your charms, back away. Give them some breathing room, or you could alienate them altogether. If you are single, you may have difficulty finding someone special. Maybe it's because you're seeking someone for superficial reasons. Instead of looking for a lover with certain physical qualities, adopt a more open minded attitude. When it comes to love, it pays to fish from the biggest pond possible.

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Dealing with the public may be problematic. Either you're not in the mood to deal with people's nonsense, or they're not receptive to your particular brand of charm. It looks like you're going to have to steel yourself for some unpleasant encounters. Of course, you could retreat from view altogether. This may be the wisest strategy. There's no point in subjecting yourself to misery if you don't have to. If it's absolutely necessary to go to work, do something nice for yourself after.

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A pet may feel under the weather so it's probably wise to take your friend to the vet. If money is a problem, explain the situation to the clinic. Special provisions could be made for you. If you're looking for work, lack of experience could be a problem. Sign up for some classes so you can get an advanced degree. Granted, this will delay your job search, but the wait will be worth it. A temporary position can keep the money coming in while you're busy studying.

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Impulsive behaviour could get you into trouble so take a deep breath before putting any hasty decisions in motion. It's tempting to lash out against someone who has rejected you. But if you rise above this situation, you'll attract bigger and better opportunities. The measure of a person's character isn't how they deal with success. It's how they react to failure. This is your chance to show you are a mature, resourceful human being.

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Domestic harmony could be elusive. It seems like you and a loved one are rubbing each other the wrong way. Instead of continuing to engage in a power struggle, sit down and talk to each other. Refuse to issue accusations. Listen to your friend's concerns, and be willing to make changes. By showing you're willing to compromise, the person in question will amend their behaviour, too. Unfortunately, it's up to you to extend the olive branch.

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Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong especially at work. If you suspect two colleagues are dating, refrain from discussing this theory with others. You wouldn't want to be guilty of spreading false information. Besides, you have more important things to do. Stay busy with a time consuming project. Finishing the job on time will impress your boss. Could a raise or promotion be far behind? If you're not working this weekend, enjoy a relaxing hobby.

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Saving money could be difficult as these days, temptation beckons from every shop window. Exercise restraint by going to the library and loading up on free books and movies. Feeding your soul with great stories can make material cravings subside. If a youngster is clamouring for an expensive toy, explain why you can't afford it at this time. It's never too early to explain the concept of money. Don't beat yourself up for being on a tight budget.

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Overeating could be a problem; a difficult family situation could prompt you to reach for some unhealthy snacks. This is perfectly understandable. At first, junk food fills the empty ache inside. It's only natural you want a quick fix for this pain. Unfortunately, the toll such snacking takes on your waistline can lead to deeper depression. Create healthier strategies for dealing with frustration. Pottery, gardening, woodwork, sewing can all be therapeutic.

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You may feel lonely and isolated. Perhaps you've moved to an unfamiliar neighbourhood. Maybe you're travelling on business. It's even possible a friend has moved away. Whatever the situation, it is weighing on your heart. Someone like you needs to be surrounded by friendly faces. Listening to an audio book can lift your spirits. Choose a story you find uplifting and engaging. Never fear; your personal life will soon improve. It's just a matter of time.

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You may not get the support from friends you expected. Maybe it's because they don't understand your motives. It's also possible your ideas need to be reshaped. Consider whether you are being too judgmental towards a troubled man. A little compassion may be in order here. Granted, you don't have to loan this guy money or give him a home, but you shouldn't treat him like a pariah. A kind and considerate gesture would be wise.

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Worrying about appearances could cause you unnecessary grief. Dressing to please someone else will only make you miserable. Let your own style shine through. If somebody doesn't like the way you look, that's their problem. You've always taken pains to judge people on the content of their character. It's a good way to go through life. Granted, we all feel insecure from time to time. When this happens, you need to surround yourself with friends.

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A narrow minded attitude could get you in trouble. Be more accepting of people who have different cultural beliefs or you could miss a golden opportunity. Someone who has grown up in a foreign culture may have better coping strategies regarding marriage or money. Patterning your behaviour after theirs can be really helpful. Yes, these attitudes seem utterly alien now. Once you put them into practice, though, you'll see the wisdom of these views.

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