
Working in isolation gives you a limited view of what is possible. Being out and about in mixed company is the best way to see life from a number of different perspectives. Your own views and your power of persuasion will be better appreciated through your having spoken to others and taken their suggestions on board. Give priority now to group, social and committee work.

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You sense a hidden threat behind someone's request for you to assume their duties or go along with their suggestions but don't let this force you into acquiescing. You shouldn't be willing to abandon your own commitments for the sake of keeping another person happy. As far as you're concerned, they should find someone else to do their dirty work. Insist on this and be prepared to face any obscure consequences.

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Get too agitated when trying to get your views across and people will start to wonder whether you really know what you're talking about. If it feels as if you're talking a different language to everyone else, consider why. It could be because others are making you feel juvenile. Remedy this by showing a more confident and experienced face to the world.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Old financial commitments may be a drain on your resources and it's possible that some of these are no longer necessary. It will be sensible, if not essential, to scrutinie your financial reserves and analyse how and where you can make savings in the future. There's no need to make dramatic changes but a frugal programme will pay off in the long-term.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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A stroppy friend or relative is making life difficult for you but you only have yourself to blame if you allow the situation to continue. Why let others get away with murder just because they're going to give you a hard time if you don't? It's time to ignore them completely. Make them think about their conduct and you will be doing them, and yourself, a favour.

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Emotional tension is linked with an unsettled state of employment or a feeling of being unappreciated within your job environment. You need to start thinking about your general well-being so why not set yourself a few health oriented goals for the weeks ahead. If you feel good, physically, you won't feel so discontent. A healthy body will also make for a more positive attitude towards life in general.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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An out-of-the-ordinary person sets an exceptional pace and because you feel so inspired and motivated, you will have no trouble keeping up. One benefit emanating from new commitments is the exciting new people you're now meeting. Their influence will whip up your enthusiasm and zest for anything you take on. If single, your sex-appeal is high; make the most of it!

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Someone in a position of power, either within your job or domestic life, seems to call your every decision into question. Having to constantly explain why you do what you do wastes time and belittles you, too. Today, refuse to explicate any further. Ignore their interference and keep going. That way, your rival will have no choice but to back down.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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You might envy the special treatment someone else seems to get just because they're slightly more qualified or experienced than you are, but don't let your resentment show. If you want to gain the same level of respect, you must be willing to earn it. How? Take up further training, enrol on an evening-class and show others that you are determined to better your credentials.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Resist the urge to meddle when someone confides in you about some problems they are having in their personal life. They'll make it obvious that they'd welcome your intervention but this person isn't as naive as they look. It's possible that they're using your kindness as an excuse to run away from their obligations. When by rights, they should be facing up to whatever it is that's causing the problem.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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There's something you have to tell someone and what you have to say might make you sound cold and insensitive but this isn't the case at all. If a friendship or association isn't working, you know that the longer you pretend that nothing is wrong, the harder it will be to end it. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind. Even if deep down, you wish there could be another way.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Supporting someone from the sidelines shouldn't be the driving force in your life. There will always be satisfaction through helping others accomplish their goals, but it's time now, to consider where it is that you should be heading. And will you gain the same levels of support from others, as you have offered them in the past? One way to test the strength of your relationships is by putting this question to the test.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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