
You might enjoy lunching out with old friends today. If your loved ones are included so much the better as there's nothing better than having the people who matter most to you, around you. You could also be invited to join a new group or organisation. People take up a lot of your time as the social scene is a busy one. New acquaintances are waiting for you within a charitable or philanthropic organisation. Evening will bring a surprise visitor.

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If you work for a large organisation you might be considering the chance to do some further training. No matter what your age or status, if this is what you want to do, don't let anyone talk you out of it. As well as being keen to improve your existing skills, you will be letting others know you aren't standing still. You have the motivation to keep moving forwards.

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Old family connections are renewed as you share the day with people who have more to do with your past, than present. This is good because as you well know: neglecting friendships can mean losing them. You will be in demand and you won't let this golden opportunity pass you by. Now is a good time for getting together with both old and existing friends. If you are single there's a chance of a new or rekindled romance coming up on the horizon.

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Romance has always been an active and important part of your life. Today you find it easier than usual to discuss your deepest feelings with your significant other. Your sex life takes on a more daring and imaginative quality. Developments in your love life hinge on how imaginative you both can be. Travel could inject a foreign flavour to romance if you're single. You might find yourself attracted to someone from a different race of culture.

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Start too many new things today and you may pay the price tomorrow. Over committing yourself is a recipe for disaster. For instance, you love to love but you wouldn't want it as your staple diet. You want a balance of twosome and solo activities in your life. You enjoy your social commitments but you also need time for private pursuits. Balance is the key to good health and happiness both now and in the future.

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You might be seriously considering making changes but are you doing this for yourself, or someone else? Maybe you aren't keen on the plans being discussed but you're tempted to go ahead to keep someone you care for happy. In which case you might regret the decisions you're making today in the future. Agreeing to something on a whim is not a good idea. You need to be wholly committed to a joint project or don't get involved at all.

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Today is the day when light is shed on obstacles which have been blocking your progress. It will be confidential and personal matters that keep you most occupied and you will use your time wisely to come to some useful conclusions. A change of routine might be necessary in order to get your life back in order but don't be too quick to instigate changes. You're ready to take responsibility for your own affairs.

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The chance to make new friends presents itself as new avenues of interest open up for you. You are now showing a more sympathetic attitude in areas where you've perhaps appeared cold and unyielding in the past. You've been deliberately trying to encourage someone to be more independent and this has made you appear uncaring. Now you're happy with their progress you're more able to ease up and get your relationship back to where it should be.

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A restless feeling motivates you to get out and about. What you will quickly notice is family and friends don't have your energy or enthusiasm for the wild and weird pursuits you're intent upon. It would be better to try what others class as madcap activities on your own then come back and enjoy telling everyone about it. The rewards from doing something out of the ordinary will be both refreshing and revitalising.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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If there's something you need to discuss with another, get straight to the point. Don't beat about the bush or you will never get what's on your mind out into the open. People will either walk away as they have other things to do or they simply don't realise you're trying to talk about a serious matter. It might cause a temporary rift between you and another but if there is something to be said, just say it!

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Spare a little of your busy life to give more attention to a friend who's feeling a little sad or lonely. Just a few hours in your company will make them more cheery and hopeful. Committee and other meetings could drag on longer than expected today. Some people seem to enjoy arguing for the sake of it. If possible, make an excuse and leave early. As long as you have shown your face, you've done your duty!

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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You don't want to laze around today but you could do with some quiet time to yourself. A few hours meditation would do a lot to relax you. A walk in the woods, a park or by the sea will help clear the cobwebs in your mind and straighten out your thinking. By the end of the day you will be more in tune with yourself and your hopes for the future.

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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