
A demanding relationship will reach its breaking point. You and your partner will have to come up with a creative solution to a persistent problem. If this doesn't happen, a breakup will occur quite suddenly. Striking a healthy balance between your personal and professional lives is critical. Both of you will have to make sacrifices. Going on a long trip together can repair some of the damage that has occurred, but both of you will have to take time off work.

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Health problems are getting you down. If you're going to feel better, you must change your routine. Go into recovery, adopt a healthy diet and take more exercise. Establish a regular bedtime routine. Treat your body like a precious jewel. Continuing to indulge a vice will only create more distress. Ask yourself why you've been so stubborn about making this change. What could be more important than feeling well? Don't you feel you deserve to flourish? Be honest with yourself.

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A creative block is driving you to distraction. Instead of forcing yourself to work, make a strategic retreat. Read a book, watch a movie or listen to music. Stop watching the clock. If you give your subconscious a chance to rest, it will reward you with some wonderful ideas. Are you raising children? Hire a babysitter to watch your youngsters for a while. Adults need time to play, too. Treat yourself to a day of fun. Head for the hills or your favourite park, garden or playing field.

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It's imperative to get out of the house and enjoy a change of scenery. Although you enjoy serving your nearest and dearest, there is a limit to even your generosity. Turn a deaf ear to a demanding relative who claims you are neglecting your duty. Nobody is more conscientious than you. The problem is you have created a situation that makes everyone too reliant on you. Stop doing everyone's dirty work. Put your own needs first for a change.

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You're tired of worrying about things you cannot control. Practice the power of positive thinking. It will take focus and dedication, but fortunately you are filled with determination. Pattern your behaviour after an upbeat friend. When you catch yourself brooding, channel your energy into a sport. Physical exercise is a wonderful release for stress. If you're working in a toxic environment, be proactive and look for another position. Stop subjecting yourself to misery. You have more options than you realise.

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Making more money won't solve your problems. You have to develop your inner resources to achieve the happiness you want. Write a list of twenty things that make life meaningful for you. Many of these items don't require huge outlays of cash. Dedicate yourself to spending more time outdoors, connecting with your pets and indulging your creative side. If you long to return to an activity you enjoyed as a child, give yourself permission. Take up a musical instrument you once studied.

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You've been putting lots of energy into relationships but can't see much return. Take this opportunity to indulge yourself. Waiting for others to satisfy your needs is an exercise in futility. You've got to be your own best friend. Feel free to tell someone exactly what you think of their selfish behaviour. Too often, you keep your anger bottled up inside. Having an outlet for emotions will make you feel much better. Let people know you won't put up with their inconsideration any longer.

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You're not thinking very clearly. It's hard to set priorities and make decisions. Resist the urge to feel sorry for yourself. The best way to recover your resolve is to work. It doesn't matter what you do, so long as you get moving. Sweep the floor, take out the rubbish and answer phone calls. When you start feeling tired, push through the exhaustion. Being productive will put your goals back in focus. Suddenly, you'll realise exactly what needs to be done and how such jobs should be carried out.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It feels like you're being pulled in several opposing directions. Stop acting as if you're on call for friends and relatives. If someone asks for help when it's inconvenient, feel free to refuse. Anyone who complains doesn't have your best interests at heart. You've had a long history of going above and beyond the call of duty for others. There is a limit to your generosity. When you feel as if you've lost touch with spirit, it's time to enjoy solitary pursuits.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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Don't panic if you haven't attained the career success you desire. Although you want to get ahead, there are other areas of life that require attention. Take this opportunity to spend time on domestic pursuits. Redecorating a drab room, hosting a dinner party or enjoying a family game are all things that can put life in proper perspective. You can have it all, just not all at once. When one sector is faltering, change focus. By the time you return to the problematic area, a solution will be evident.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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Take a break from the news. Although there is lots of trouble in the world, you should not despair. Many people are working hard to be kind, conserve resources and fix problems. Pause to recognise parents who sacrifice their desires for their children. Praise a colleague who is always doing small jobs that are unappreciated. Thank a service worker who is pleasant and helpful. It's so important to see the whole picture. Every disaster is counterbalanced by a small act of kindness.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Get back in touch with your sensual side. If you feel harried and unattractive, start pampering yourself. Update your hairstyle. Soak in a scented bath. Shop for some clothes that enhance your most attractive qualities. Spray on some cologne. Take a little extra time with your appearance. When you start presenting yourself as a desirable creature, others will take notice. If you're a stay at home parent or have a messy job, devote a set time each day to clean up and restore your sanity.

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