
You can't turn the clock back even though you wish you had sorted out a family issue earlier. This could have saved you from having to go through the tension and stress you are experiencing now. You must now face the repercussions of a relative's irresponsible actions; you have no other option.

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It will be your job to keep a team looking on the positive side. The lack of support coming from those in senior positions will annoy you. Offer plenty of praise where it has been earned. Be conscious of your tone if you are giving constructive guidance.

Get todays Taurus horoscope
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You're worrying about things that might never happen and that's a waste of mental energy. A financial or legal issue has been causing you sleepless nights. Cut up your credit cards and arrange new payment plans. There are ways to take control of the situation. If you feel out of your depth, talk to a professional.

Get todays Gemini horoscope
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Senior colleagues are aware of and appreciate your talents. You're about to receive recognition for your contributions to a group effort. Personal hopes are moving closer to realisation. Don't be surprised if you get offered a promotion. Several new and interesting people are about to come into your life.

Get todays Cancer horoscope
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Before signing your name to anything, do some private research and find out more. It makes sense to stop and think about it before taking up an offer to invest your savings. Can you really trust the people promoting the potential of a new scheme?

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A situation is not as dire as you might think. You're spending too long worrying about how awful a test, appointment or meeting is going to be. What you should be doing is remaining calm and positive. Although you're going through a tough phase, it is also a progressive one. You are moving in the right direction.

Get todays Virgo horoscope
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Take your concerns to a superior if you feel a colleague is taking unfair advantage of a policy that is meant to benefit you all. If you feel something isn't right or fair, fight for what you believe in. Appeal if you have been hit with a parking ticket that is incorrect.

Get todays Libra horoscope
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Any doubts you have in new arrangements or changes that are being set underway will have its roots in an old disappointment. You have moved on since then. Times have changed. You aren't repeating past mistakes. Believe in the positive potential of the new path that awaits.

Get todays Scorpio horoscope
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It's important to look after your own interests. Trust your instincts if you feel you need to hold back from getting involved in events that usually sound attractive. Someone is making you suspicious or an offer doesn't sound right to you. You need to find out more.

Get todays Sagittarius horoscope
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You don't often see yourself as having much of an imagination. To prove you can be creative when you want to be you need to switch off from the mundane. Why not return to a hobby or creative pursuit you abandoned some time ago? Your imaginative impulses will come flooding back.

Get todays Capricorn horoscope
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You realise now why a person in charge asked you to take over a team effort. Their instructions are vague and you're as unclear as they are as to what is being expected from you and your team. It is obvious now that this is why they delegated the task to you.

Get todays Aquarius horoscope
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Having to deal with issues caused by a friend, neighbour or relative who is stuck in their ways is your idea of torture. Their stubborn attitude and inconsiderate behaviour is not making life easy for you especially when people are looking to you to help resolve difficulties. Have you taken on more than you can chew?

Get todays Pisces horoscope
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