
Your emotions have reached the boiling point. Putting up with an oppressive situation is no longer an option. It's time to confront those who have been treating you unfairly. There's a chance you will lose your position as a result of this conflict. That's better than constantly coping with stress. It will take time to find a new position, so be patient. Instead of focusing all your energy on landing a job, try to enjoy a more relaxed schedule.

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Burying your head in the sand won't make your problems disappear. It's time to face a serious problem. Whether this means quitting an oppressive job, leaving a toxic relationship or finding another place to live is immaterial. The important thing is to be proactive. Letting a difficult situation grow worse will result in a terrible loss. You have an opportunity to move in a healthier direction. All it takes is a little courage. Once you take the first step towards your new life, you'll never look back.

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You've always enjoyed being unpredictable. Unfortunately, your rebellious behaviour is causing problems in your personal life. Someone who depends on you feels disappointed. Make it your mission to deliver on your promises to this loved one. It will take time to earn their trust, so be patient. Slowly but surely, your bond will grow stronger. You'll take pleasure in relieving your friend of burdens. Others will look at you with renewed respect, too. Being a reliable support system is a mark of nobility.

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Working around the clock is taking a toll on your health. It's time to take a break, even if you don't want one. Spending time with your nearest and dearest will soothe your nerves. It will also remind you there is more to life than your job title. When is the last time you enjoyed your favourite hobby? Have you lost touch with your best friend? Has the changing of the seasons escaped your notice? It's time to remedy these problems.

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Give newcomers a chance to gain experience. Although you can do certain jobs in a fraction of the time, it's better to let them take the wheel. Resist the temptation to intervene at the first sign of trouble. By allowing these students to figure things out for themselves, they'll quickly master their lessons. You can always offer advice when asked. For the most part, you'll be standing nearby, making sure that serious disasters don't occur. You might even learn faster, more efficient ways of doing work.

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Clinging to an old resentment is robbing you of joy. It's time to release someone's power over you. Although it's a shame they took advantage of your generosity, they taught you a valuable lesson. You aren't so quick to grant favours to people you don't know. Before sharing your resources be sure to think through all the pros and cons thoroughly. There are those around you who have travelled down similar roads, you can rely on them to guide you around the perils and pitfalls on your way to success.

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The prospect of making a decision fills you with fear. You're worried about making the wrong choice and being forced to live with the consequences. Instead of spinning out these fantasies, bring your attention to the present. The sooner you move forward, the happier everyone will be. Any mistakes or emergencies that occur will be dealt with as they arise. Spending time with a grounded person who knows how to relax will be therapeutic. Take a page out of their book.

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You feel insecure in your job. Instead of being able to focus on a set of responsibilities and honing your skills, you're continually being given a different array of duties. There are people around you who aren't happy with your performance. Instead of offering constructive feedback, they heap you with criticism. Instead of trying to hold on to this job, look for a different position. Avoid start-up companies. Look for employment at a company with an impressive track record.

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Resist the temptation to tell others what to do. Everybody knows how to do their job. Although their methods are different from yours, the result will be pleasing. Instead of worrying about other people's performances, focus on your own. Sometimes the best way to be a leader is to step out of the way. Don't be afraid to enjoy a more relaxed schedule. Leave work early and meet a loved one for a candlelit dinner. Nobody will accuse you of neglecting your duties.

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Clinging too tightly to your loved ones will cause resentment. Instead of warning a relative against a course of action, offer encouragement. Showing faith in their judgment will improve your relationship by leaps and bounds. You may not realise it, but your opinion has a powerful impact on your loved one's confidence. Think back to a time when someone encouraged your independence. Weren't you grateful? Didn't their praise help you to move on to bigger and better things?

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It's difficult to concentrate. There are many paths open to you. Choosing the one that gives the greatest emotional satisfaction will be difficult. You've always been reluctant to form strong bonds with colleagues. Keeping business and pleasure strictly separate has been a good formula for you. When you come across a workplace that is pleasant and convivial, don't be nervous. You will fit in very well here. Not only that, you will make some fast friends at your new place of employment.

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An unwillingness to accept change is holding you back. Although you want to maintain your current role, that isn't possible. Moving with the times will help you discover hidden talents. It will also give you a newfound appreciation for technological innovations. Do you lack certain skills to thrive in the current marketplace? Remedy the problem by taking a computer course. A patient teacher will help you become proficient in a growing field. At that point, you'll have your choice of excellent jobs.

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