
You have no intention of remaining silent when all sorts of injustices are being performed. Stand up for somebody who is incapable of defending themselves. Although you won't get much support from those around you, your conscience will feel much better. Turn to a sympathetic friend if the pressure becomes too great. Their kind words of concern will remind you that you are doing the right thing.

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Doing more for others than you do for yourself isn't as rewarding as you think. The ones you are trying to help really don't appreciate your efforts, and you're tired of being taken for granted. Why not focus your attention on your career instead? Applying for a more prestigious position or entering another industry is a worthy project. If your current job doesn't involve any creative effort, you need to make a change.

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Your family's influence may prevent you from making friends with certain groups of people. Try to be objective about your attitude toward others. A mentor whose lifestyle is different than your own can show you better ways to deal with problems. Never fear; having such acquaintances doesn't mean you have to change your values or beliefs. It just means you'll be able to see the world from a more expanded perspective.

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Your unyielding attitude could create problems with colleagues. It's important to remember they deserve the same respect your family does. The next time you have a disagreement with one of your co-workers do your best to understand their point of view. Find a way you can work together without hurting each other's feelings. Otherwise, the environment will become increasingly tense. If your pride has been hurt, ask for an apology.

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If you're going to reach your goals, you need to readjust your spending habits. Start putting more money into savings, and cut back on small luxuries. Being more disciplined about developing your creative talent is also important. Once you get these areas of life under control, it will be much easier for you to attain the glory you desire. Listen to a partner who is concerned about your future. Their advice is worth taking.

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Learning to love yourself is the only way you'll get over past disappointments. While it's true adults may have deprived you of the support and confidence you needed as a child, you can't afford to dwell on that. The good news is you can take control over your future now you're independent. Give yourself permission to pursue a passion a teacher or parent ridiculed. Let a little joy into your life.

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A fear of rejection could prevent you from voicing your opinions today. Rather than remaining completely silent, why not begin a journal? The more you get into the habit of putting your thoughts down on paper, the easier it will be for you to assert your ideas. In time, you may even decide to get a formal education in a particular subject. Becoming an expert in your chosen field will gain the respect you desire.

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Making comparisons with other people's success is ultimately destructive. If you feel you haven't fulfilled your potential, take action. Don't get distracted by how much money your friends are making. You have unique talents that can't be measured against an arbitrary standard. Make a list of three goals you'd like to achieve by this time next year, and then devise ways of meeting each aim.

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You feel aimless and adrift, and need a project to put you back on track again. Instead of undertaking a huge endeavour, try a small one instead. That way, you won't feel devastated if everything doesn't work out the way you expected. Volunteer to become a master's apprentice, or undertake a small home improvement job. Don't be fooled into thinking your efforts will be wasted. Action will evolve purpose.

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You've got to get organised if you're going to put your knowledge to good use. If you're asked to make a presentation or teach a group, gather all the necessary materials together. Visual aids will be a tremendous help. Rehearse your talk in front of several supportive friends. These pals will give you valuable suggestions on what works and what doesn't. Be open-minded about making your ideas more palatable.

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It's important to put your existing resources to use before making an expensive purchase. Don't buy a fancy new piece of equipment if you already have an appliance that is in good working order. This may seem like a senseless economy now, but some hefty bills in the future could change your mind. In the meantime, trust your intuition about a friend who is saying one thing, but doing another.

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Arguments with authority figure make you tired, frustrated, and upset. Don't expect any sympathy from a partner, who thinks you're being juvenile. What they don't understand is you're extremely sensitive, and bristle at unconstructive criticisms. This may be a signal you have to develop your own projects during off-hours. If you're persistent, you could go into business for yourself. Becoming your own boss will heal your wounded ego.

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